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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Parents Organize to Fight Back

Brian was a 15-year-old big man on campus. Good-looking and witty, he had a way with the girls, and the guys thought he was fun too.

But Brian’s party spirit included consuming lots of alcohol. Soon he was smoking pot, and then even that was not enough. In a few months he was not only using hard drugs but selling them, too.

For a while he was able to maintain his charm and respectful attitude at home. Inevitably, his personality and health quickly plummeted along with his school attendance and grades.

Thankfully, his parents finally recognized the problem before it was too late and enrolled Brian in a private residential drug-rehab clinic.

The reality that Brian had become a secret addict under their noses crushed his mom and dad. They felt guilty, helpless, and heartbroken.

On their knees before God, they pledged to do everything possible to help their son and committed to change their lives so they could be a bigger part of his.

When they called the clinic to arrange a meeting and seek reconciliation with their beloved boy, they were told that they could have no contact.

As a physician, Brian’s dad asked to review the medical records and speak to the doctor so he might understand the treatment. He was flatly turned down.



  1. Hillary's it takes a village, but remove the parents in the process. Disgusting and wrong.

  2. Since pot was mentioned I was wondering how many people think that pot is a gateway drug? Thoughts?

    1. If you have to go to the cocaine and heroin store to get it, yes. When they are out of pot, then you buy what's in stock.

  3. Disgraceful. Same thing in effect with reproductive "rights". Parents are not included in the loop when their 12 year old is put on birth control. STOP the madness.

  4. Since pot was mentioned I was wondering how many people think that pot is a gateway drug? Thoughts?

    February 28, 2020 at 3:26 AM:

    Nobody wants to admit it, because all the alcoholics don't want to acknowledge alcohol as the most abused "drug" in the world, beer is the ultimate gateway drug. All kids, including the one in the post, start with beer and alcohol, the most easily accessible drug available to them. Not since the failed prohibition experiment has anyone, or any government agency, proposed banning alcohol due to it being a gateway drug. Reefer madness still exists. It's all a lie by politicians politicizing the drug issue, and the cops whose livelihoods depend on drug illegality.

    There you go...

  5. It's called HIPPA. It the same law responsible for mentally ill people to be able to purchase and access guns, while at the same time, those same legislators passed gun laws that prohibit the mentally ill from buying guns. But medical professionals are the ones that identify the mentally ill and are prohibited from telling anyone that their patients are mentally ill. Catch 22. No gun laws can stop the mentally ill from obtaining guns until congress changes the law preventing medical professionals from telling us who they are.

  6. Just because a parent pays for a adult child's medical care or rehab treatment, it gives them no right to access the treatment records if their adult child does not give the medical practice permission to release that information to them. Those particular parents could not have contact with their "beloved son" because their "beloved son" did not give them permission. That's a family matter. Legally, the parents have no right to records of their son's medical care or treatment.

  7. Just one more step in the state's indoctrination plan. While adult children should have their privacy protected, parents should not be excluded from their minor children's care plan. When the child is returned to the parents how are they to know what to do in order to help their child overcome their problem? Systematic destruction of family units will lead to the systematic downfall of any country. But perhaps that's the ultimate goal - destruction so the government can step in and take care of us because we obviously lack the know how to take care of ourselves.

    Makes me want to vomit.

  8. Hmmmm are we talking about the same parents that allowed this little flower to blossom. Maybe just maybe if everything goes right this kid will make it. We all know someone that has spent every dollar they have to rehab a child just to have them come back home and start using again. Mom and Dad should be getting some sort of counseling themselves. This kid crashed on their watch. Sometimes you have to let them go to ever get them back. It says dad is a doctor wonder if he was blind to his patients as well.

  9. February 28, 2020 at 12:56 PM:

    Go ahead and puke. You'll feel better. Always works for me.


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