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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Nearly 60% of Americans say they're better off financially than a year ago

Americans may not be quite ready to party like it's 1999, but that's the last time they felt as optimistic about their finances as they do now.

Nearly six in 10 Americans, or 59%, say they are better off financially today than a year ago, according to a new Gallup poll. That's in line with the annual national mood check's highest prior reading in January 1999.

As during the dot-com era boom, low unemployment and a buoyant stock market are boosting people's confidence in their current economic prospects, Gallup noted. The survey of more than 1,000 adults was conducted January 2 through January 15



  1. Been better since Trump won

  2. I'm better off financially, but not as well off as I was before the great recession of 2008. Obama was a disaster!

    Things are better for most of the country, but here on the shore the recession really never ended!

    What jobs that are available are service jobs and even the skilled trade jobs around here don't pay much.

    My son had to leave here for better opportunity because of this.
    It's not good if you live in a blue state!

    1. The Great Recession started under Bush

    2. 823 herein lies the problem. When are you clowns going to finally understand that the economy was in a tailspin months before a single vote was even cast for Obama. For the life of me, I cant understand how you dolts somehow blame Obama for the recession, then totally ignore the real recovery that occurred dueing his admin. I dont question your politics. Its your common sense that is in doubt. Its no wonder you clowns cant see that Trump tax cuts had little impact on chamging the trajectory of the economy while having a huge impact on the deficit.

    3. The Fed Bank controls the economy
      All the markets are rigged

      Wake up

  3. God Bless President Trump!!!!

  4. Lies, there is no way you are better off... All I have seen in the past 2 years is nothing but tax hikes, so tell me how you can be financially better off, each year you get tax after tax hikes???

    Oh is it becasue now MD raised their minimum wage to go up???? You do realize that doesn't do anything for you but make you pay more taxes and cause shops to close....

  5. I can't believe how much I'm putting into savings now after hitting the trifecta of Kids grown, mortgage paid off and the Trump presidency. Lo and behold, I can even give more to charities!

  6. 8:27 and 9:04 Go back and take your medication. Also, Hillary lost.

  7. If you morons say you're no better now then before obammie, you're doing something seriously wrong! My investments couldn't be doing better!

  8. Yes Bush started the great recession and the misery increased under Obama!
    Delmarva area never quite recovered from this recession, but other areas of this country have under the leadership of Trump. My Son left here for better opportunity in the South because of this.

    I'm better off now under Trump and my 401K has done much better, but financially I was much better off before 2008.

    My take home pay was better, and my yearly taxes including property taxes were much much lower.

    Most of the blame is those trade deals that Started with Clinton back in the nineties. Remember what Ross Perot said about the great sucking sound you would hear from jobs being lost?

    Well that happened under Clinton and Bush. Both parties are to blame for this mess!

    Trumps election was part of the result of this!

    So 8:27 and 9:04 are total idiots!

  9. Please !!!!! NOT !

  10. Then why is it that last year, lots of people who used to get tax refunds, ended up owing a bunch of money?
    I've heard this from multiple people who were blindsided by the amount they owed.

  11. 5:47
    They didn't pay more in taxes. They had LESS taxes taken out of their checks thorough out the year. In other words they got a little more each week and they didn't loan the government their money all year. When you get a refund it is because you paid too much. They pay NO interest when they use your money.


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