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Friday, February 21, 2020

National Marriage, Divorce Rates Both Declined in the Last 10 Years

From 2008 to 2018, national marriage and divorce rates declined. However, both rates vary by state.

A new visualization from the U.S. Census Bureau shows state marriage and divorce rates using data from 2008 and 2018 American Community Survey, 1-year estimates.

In 2018:
  • Utah had among the highest marriage rates.
  • Maine and Connecticut had among the lowest marriage rates.
  • Arkansas had among the highest divorce rates.
  • North Dakota had among the lowest divorce rates.
How do the marriage and divorce rates in your state compare to the national average? How do they rank compared to other states?



  1. Legal Marriage is for Government taxes....as you get less in Social security when legally married with permission from local government.

    We took an oath to God , and to each, and not to man or Government to be married

  2. "Utah had among the highest marriage rates."

    That is because Mormons believe in polagmy.

  3. All that matters is , is it your divorce !!!

  4. Honeymoons don't last forever tolerable cohabitation and friendly partnerships are often cheaper than divorce in the long run. Everyone has this fantasy about LOVE and ROMANCE. My wife is the best room mate I ever had and she does her own laundry and keeps her room and bathroom clean and pays her own way and I love her more for it. We will always be family including the two kids she brought into my life from another marriage. I'd do anything for them and have.
    It's just life people and no one gets out alive why get hung up on it.

  5. Many young wives = alot of orgies !!!

  6. Mormons have More Women !!! = More sex & marriages !!

  7. Then where do I sign up to be a Mormon.

  8. The rates for both are declining because it's too expensive to do either one.

  9. Where does Maryland come in ???

  10. well if there is fewer marriages, isn't there going to be fewer divorces? Duh!


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