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Saturday, February 08, 2020

Nadler Pushes Return to Kavanaugh Investigation as Impeachment Ends in Complete Failure

House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jerrold Nadler reminds me of my uncle. He would always brag to us how he would get off of jury duty: At some point when lawyers would question prospective jurors, he would slip in that he thought whoever the police dragged in was pretty much guilty. He swore to us there wasn’t a time he wasn’t home before lunch.

Nothing like that of kind patriotic, selfless service.

Anyhow, Nadler was a little bit like this. Even before Donald Trump was inaugurated, he said the new president was “not legitimate.”

He was a saber-rattler for impeachment long before Ukraine.



  1. Nadler is bat-sh*t crazy!

  2. When Nadler lost all that weight he lost his brains, he is like a pensive, spoiled child in fact Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi are all in the same family the relatives you don't want, the people you want most to avoid, like the new flu epidemic.

  3. Why doesn't he spend some quality time with his I'll wife.

  4. The little fat man doesn't have much time left. He is a heart attack just waiting to happen.

  5. Time to Impeach Nadler !!!

  6. With all the lies he put forth his name should be among those to be censured, at the very least.

  7. When is the Trump administration going to investigate Congress and the Senate? It is full of criminals that need to be in Prison! Lets expose them!

  8. Someone must have hit him on the head really hard to make that one eyebrow always poke up like it does.

  9. That Judge needs to go after Nadler's ass !!!!!

  10. Let's Return to the Hillary investigation !!!!


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