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Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday Morning Funnies


  1. Wash, rinse, repeat. I never know when to stop.

  2. Haha...good point though. Even with signs left lane to pass only these rubes don't get it. Also, many do not understand the concept of acceleration lanes.

  3. It’s simple, you stop when the bottle is empty. There, problem solved!

  4. Recently, I was far, far back when I watched a car brake before merging onto north 13 bypass. There was not another car anywhere in sight. Before I caught up to them, the car moved over to the left lane. We are the only 2 cars northbound as far as the eye can see. When I caught and passed them, I looked over to catch a glimpse of this genius. It was a young kid desperately gripping the wheel, with a lady, his mother, I presume, in the passenger seat. It was obvious that he was learning how to drive. Guess, she was teaching him how to drive in the left lane, in case he ever travels to Britain.

    1. Wow. Great job cutting a “new” driver some slack. I’m sure you were the perfect driver when you started. Did you ever consider that he may be planning to make a left turn in the next few miles and, with his inexperience, didn’t want to put himself in a position of not being able to get back into the left lane? As you said, there were no other cars around. Was it such an inconvenience that you had to change lanes? You act like an entitled biotch. Here’s the thing Cletus, you aren’t “entitled” to anything.

  5. I followed a guy down business 13 who hit the brakes &slowed down at every green light. Was finally able to get away by turning off to hit the back roads.

  6. 1:07 I guess you didn't commrehend what 9:25 said. Please tell me where on the bypass you can make a left hand turn.

  7. 1:07pm is clearly a leftist genius and has been triggered by your low brow common sense.

    “How dare you?”

    1:07pm crack baby. Stfu

  8. 1:07....AND he has the nerve to call someone (insultingly) "Cletus"....
    A citizen EXPECTING people to know (and teach) the rules of the road is now, according to the aforementioned "Cletus", an "entitled biotch"?

    I bet he thinks Hillary Clinton should have been president, too.....

    I'm also betting he hasn't looked in the rearview mirror since 2011.
    AND, I'll bet he pulls out on the highway and IMMEDIATELY gets in the left lane because 120 miles down the road, he's making a left to Chincoteague.

  9. I worked with a guy who was obsessed with driving one mile under the posted speed limit at all times in the left lane. He drove on Rt. 13 for miles and miles this way every day and when asked why he always said he was doing it to stop speeders and he saved lives.

  10. looks like he's the lead car in the draft.

  11. Are you sure this is in Salisbury? It looks more like Florida when all the Snowbirds are thereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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