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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Missing Teen In Fruitland (LOCATED)

Sauntie Simmons Located: Returned home unharmed 

The correct date should be 2-20-2020


  1. Anything could have happened in a year.

  2. Hmmmm? Wonder where she spent the night, and what she was doing?

  3. Why is it always African Americans who lose their kids in Wicomico County?

  4. 10;03 because they don't nurture their kids very well.I used to do repairs on rental homes and what I've seen is terrible,I'm surprised some of those kids don't kill their parents,actually in most cases parent,singular.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: When are our ill informed citizens going to realize that it is a deeply rooted cultural problem that has no solution that is politically correct in the current era. This problem has existed for over four hundred years and from my observation, it gets worse every year. There is a solution that existed in the past (prior to 1964) however, things will have to get much worse and more painful before any action is taken. This clash of incompatible cultures is destroying our country. Please wake up!

  6. Now I see why police don't take missing person reports until after 3 days.

  7. Pretty girl I hope and pray she is found ASAP and well. Prayers for her family.

  8. Tha ks for showing exactly how your doofus minds work. #1 jist totally create a "fact" based on your imagination then #2 create your own theory, based on nothing substantive, to explain that "fact". Too funny. Thanks for getting that laugh started 1003

  9. She’s beautiful hope she doesn’t make dumb mistakes

  10. 500 hrs of community service for wasting taxpayer $$$$$

  11. We all knew it! I think the public now needs to know what happened?

  12. I see her and another girl about her age in the Wal Mart.Both are very attractive.

  13. how can a person be "critically" missing

  14. Very beautiful young lady! Thank God she has been found, unharmed!

  15. Don't we deserve to know when and where and with whom??


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