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Monday, February 10, 2020

Lindsey Graham goes after the media for not scrutinizing Joe and Hunter Biden enough during impeachment proceedings

Lindsey Graham took a hit at the press Sunday, claiming media outlets didn't scrutinize Joe and Hunter Biden enough for potential corruption in Ukraine.

'I just think the media's so in the tank over this issue, it makes me sick to my stomach,' Graham told CBS's Face the Nation, adding that the concerns about the Bidens are 'legitimate' and the media isn't 'taking it seriously.'

Claims against the duo came in the midst of the impeachment proceedings, when Donald Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate the Bidens business dealings there.

Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has pledged to investigate the Bidens now that the president has been acquitted in his impeachment trial.



  1. Smart people know about the fake media and their games. Libbies, not so much...

  2. Biased Media Bought by Democrats , Has to GO !!!!

  3. For the record, Graham is just as corrupt as the rest, same as Romney, and others...neck deep into stolen USAID money laundered in Ukrain. It will be headlines soon. Now you know why Graham never keeps his investigation promises.
    Search twitter for a thread reader by @RoscoeBDavis {2 days ago}
    Ukraine: Hunter's issue is a flea on an Elephant's ass.

    (Huge well researched thread)


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