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Thursday, February 27, 2020

LGBT Activists Promote ‘Trans Reading Day’ in Public Schools

It started as just one rogue Wisconsin school, showing its LGBT pride. Now, five years later, it’s a national movement in public schools—and most parents have no idea it’s happening.

Do you want your child to be psychologically manipulated at school Thursday? Most moms and dads would say no.

But on Thursday, the Human Rights Campaign and its pals at the powerful National Education Association are teaming up to promote “Jazz and Friends National Day of School & Community Readings.”

“We want the listeners to know,” Family Research Council’s Meg Kilgannon told me on “Washington Watch,” “This could be happening in your school. Your children could be hearing a book [that is] very disturbing to young children.”



  1. They're slipping this in at a public library in Richmond, Indiana. Part of a 'series' of Saturday sessions for little ones called "Voices of the Community".

    The homosexual 'reader' is billed as a female-impersonator and an 'entertainer'.

  2. Read post and called my daughters school just to see if this was going on at east salisbury and wicomico high school and there not just letting parents know because i was about to pull my kids out if this were happening

  3. Kids are there to learn not be taught to think your a rainbow fairy

  4. 10:08 amazes me how little faith you all have in your children.

  5. Why are they allowing satanic followers to read to children. Would they allow a guy dressed as moses to read bible verses? I bet they would scream bloody murder.

  6. The world does Not have to conform to them, it is THEM that
    will have to conform to the rest of the world !!!!

    Enough is enough !!!

  7. Should be Illegal to Force their way around on KIDS in schools !!

  8. 10:31 you're an absolute idiot...it has NOTHING to do with having faith in your children and EVERYTHING to do with young mush minds (and at this age, they all are) being INDOCTRINATED into this way of thinking. I still can't believe you even said this. How old are you??? Where were you Indoctrinated? Good grief, you are clueless at best.

  9. Lets Promote Straight Day !!!!

  10. Sucking All the kids into their cult !!! 2020

  11. The climate changes we are seeing are a warning for what's to come if people don't stop with all of this immoral behavior. Read the Bible people!


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