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Sunday, February 09, 2020

'It's awesome that he's dying': Milwaukee schoolteacher suspended after Rush Limbaugh tweet

A Milwaukee public school teacher has been placed on leave after tweeting that he hoped conservative radio pioneer Rush Limbaugh dies from his recently diagnosed lung cancer.

“Limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer,” high school teacher Travis Sarandos said on Twitter. “It’s awesome that he's dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful."

The school district initially declined to take action against the teacher and explained that Sarandos was not speaking for the school district. However, they confirmed later that Sarandos has been placed on leave pending an investigation, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Another Pedomarxist democrat whose agenda and narrative can not withstand truth.

  2. This ladies and gentlemen is the mindset of a radical liberal and they allow him to teach children. Think about that.

  3. More proof all damn fools aren't dead yet.If anyone deserves a terminal disease for their actions it's PELOSI,SCHIFF,NADLER,SCHUMER,HILLARY,WATERS,COMEY,STRZOK,McCABE,BRENNAN,CLAPPER,OBAMA,KERRY,BIDENS,PAGE--TO NAME JUST A FEW..

  4. Brainwashing your kids one classroom at a time

  5. 10:12 PM Not radical. Just a democrat. Sorry,but it is true. Most are like this, we may not want to believe it but it is true.

  6. 10:54 not a disease, a lethal injection after being convicted of treason.

  7. We shouldn't give his comment the time of day - that's what he wants. However, it is a huge concern that this type of person is teaching our children. Glad school is dealing with be it properly.

  8. 10:55 spot on its 99% of academia.

  9. Speaks the heart of the democratic party.

  10. 10:54, None of those people deserve a terminal illness. They may deserve punishment for Sedition, Treason, or other crimes they may have committed.

  11. It’s one thing to disagree with a conservative but wishing death and suffering on a terminally ill person is pure evil.

  12. Why does every feel that none can have an opinion that differs froms theirs????

  13. Like Pelosi and her lemmings, leftist educators have no decorum or civility towards fellow Americans.

  14. May karma come visit him quickly.

  15. I stopped listening to Rush a long time ago, and maybe that's what this 'schoolteacher' needs to do. If chumps like this get 'offended' by what someone says, enough to wish them dead, something is wrong with that person.

    IMO, of course.

  16. Those democrats prove everyday they are low lifes.


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