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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

In-state tuition for undocumented immigrants passes Virginia House and Senate

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Yanet Amado, 24, says she’s been going to school in Virginia since the third grade. That’s when she says her family moved from Mexico.

“I knew that I was undocumented since the beginning,” Amado said. “Unfortunately, I didn’t know the implications, I didn’t know the process, I didn’t know what it really meant.”

For six years now, Amado has been sharing her story at the state Capitol, telling lawmakers how she couldn’t afford to get a four-year degree without in-state tuition or financial aid. She also started the Virginia Intercollegiate Immigrant Alliance.



  1. As long as they pay for it no problem.

  2. Really? TGIF can't come fast enough. Save me a 1/2 priced juicy burger Joe....I'm gonna need it!

  3. so any citizen or legal resident being charged out of state tuition at any virgina public college should be suing for the same!

  4. This state Govt has gone to Hell lately !!!!

  5. Better send Americans to college Not Illegals !!!!

  6. Undocumented means here illegally...I love the "undocumented".. like someone forget to sign somewhere, or the paperwork misfiled...so a bank robber says "I made an undocumented withdrawal"...kinda the same thought process...

  7. Communists get half price !!! Thank the Democrats !!!


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