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Sunday, February 16, 2020

How Trump can lose in 2020 – here's why and how

Amid voter fraud, ballot harvesting, and media giants railing against Donald Trump, only a sovereign act of God can bring about a re-election. Every trick in the book will be unleashed, from sandbagging to illegal voting. They will do whatever it takes to acquire victory – you can count on that.

The title above may be shocking and disheartening to many of us, but it's a reality check on what could happen. The 2020 election will be one of the most important elections in the history of America (as was Abraham Lincoln's – who was a Republican fighting slavery).

Most are not aware that in 2016 President Trump barely won in many swing states, with margins as low as 1.2% in Florida and a very narrow 0.23% in Michigan. I hope you realize how narrow this is. The 2016 election caught Democrats off guard – but they won't let that happen again. My concern is that the 2020 election will catch Republicans off guard this time. Complacency may lead to apathy when the economy is good and the president's approval rating is high. We can't become comfortable thinking that Trump will easily take it again.



  1. Oh count on it. The luciferian deep state NWO has been set back with Trump.they will lie cheat deceive and kill to ahieve satanic domanance

  2. Exactly right. The dems have already moved thousands in those districts where Trump narrowly won in 2016 and their votes will make a difference in this year's election. But prayer by those who know God does change things.

    1. Do you guys go out and find this bull or do you just make it up as you go? Please tell us exactly where "dems moved thousands in those districts.." I mean did Peolosi bus them in? Did Hillary pay for the flights? Did Sharpton pass out a chicken for every pot?

    2. Look at where liberal tech companies have been strategically located in the past two years and statistics on in-migration in certain states and counties. I have overheard conversations about this strategy.

    3. 828 it's called jerrymandering

  3. Read the book: "Profiles in Corruption: abuse of power by America's progressive elite" by Peter Schweizer.

    It is a real "eye opener!"

  4. Senior like my family that will not support his make rich richer policies.
    Leaving us to eat dog food.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I've been a Trump supporter since he announced his candidacy over 4 years ago. We must not become complacent and not vote in this next election because we think Trump has 2020 wrapped up, he needs every vote he can get. I look at his rallies on tv, see flags flying in peoples yards, bumper stickers on cars and trucks, ect. This kind of support is unbelievable, and unprecedented for any previous president, ever! But we can't let our guard down, Trump will most certainly be getting my vote in November and I pray his win is a landslide like never before witnessed.
    TRUMP 2020

    1. Same people that vote for Trump also think the Bible is factual. Blind faith is alive and well.

    2. At 11:49 a.m., You must be a miserable person living a miserable life with a lot of anger issues. . And no peace. I feel sorry for you.


  7. Northwest Woodsman: I am always amused when I see it mentioned that Lincoln was “fighting slavery” when the truth was that he was trying to avoid the issue of slavery that he was being forced to deal with. He was one of the leading politicians that began a push to have blacks repatriated to Africa. The planning fell apart after his untimely death. In life, he suffered from severe depression and at one point, on the day of his marriage, he didn’t show up and left the bride wondering what happened. My point is that like Martin Luther King, revisionist history has made him out to be an icon and hero, which is far from the truth.

    1. Yes because you have done so much more for our country lol

  8. Donald Trump: 2020
    Eric Trump: 2024, 2028
    Ivanka Trump: 2032, 2036
    Donald Trump Jr: 2040, 2044
    Barron Trump: 2048, 2052
    Genetically engineered Donald Trump clone: 2056, 2060

  9. You can bet they will try. But until they are held accountable. Nothing will change. Lock these traitors up.

  10. 11:49, so sorry you have not met the real God to experience His power in your life. If you study the Scriptures, along with original Hebrew and Greek, you will understand the initial messages given to man from God. Others who have sought the truth to disprove God ended up believing.


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