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Monday, February 10, 2020

House will attempt to revive Equal Rights Amendment this week

The House is poised this week to pass a measure that would revive the long-dead Equal Rights Amendment by repealing the 1982 deadline imposed on states to ratify it.

The measure, H.J. Res. 79, would “permanently reopen the ratification process for the amendment by eliminating the deadline,” the Congressional Budget Office reported.

The amendment has gained new life in recent years. Many of the women in the House Democratic Caucus sported ERA pins during President Trump’s State of Union address on Tuesday and wore white to symbolize the suffragist movement.

But the effort to resuscitate the ERA faces significant obstacles.



  1. It’s about time.

  2. NO!

    They want to open it up to add equal rights for the
    Queers, Fags, Lesbians, Trannies, not sures, all the freaks!

  3. 2;32 is right, the time for this bill is over. We don't need equal rights for the Freaks and that is why the Dems want to push for this law.

  4. The Goy want an equal opportunity to be an international banker.
    Put that in your pipe and smoke it

  5. It should be called "Special rights"

    Everyone has equal rights. but the queers want special rights

  6. All humans deserve equal rights under the law.

  7. We already have equal rights. The queers want more rights than what they already have. Equal is equal, so STFU. Don't fall for this rotten bait.

  8. I had assumed the ERA, equal rights between men and women, had been passed long ago. It seems I was mistaken.

    But what is confusing to me is these comments about queers, fags, etc. I didn't think it had anything to do with them. Regardless, after READING this article it seems clear this 'amendment' is dead in the water anyway.

    The expiration has passed, USSC says they have to start over and cannot revive that bill since it has expired without the needed support.

    5 states that originally supported that bill has withdrawn their support and a few other states have reversed their opposition and are now supporting it, as in Virginia.


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