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Friday, February 14, 2020

House votes to end deadline for states to ratify the ERA

WASHINGTON-The House voted Thursday to remove the deadline for states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.

The ERA states that the “equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on the basis of sex.”

Democrats unanimously supported the resolution abolishing the deadline, sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier, D-California. Five Republicans joined them on the 232-183 vote.

“Today, we made it clear that progress and justice cannot be stopped and that righteousness still prevails in our proud democracy,” said Speier, who is co-chairwoman of the Democratic Women’s Caucus.



  1. The first draft was in 1923. In 1972 a drop dead date of 1979 was passed.

  2. On the surface it makes sense. But....if democrats want it so badly....thats your sign to def be against it. This amendment will now make it possible for clown dressed pedifile transvestites to flood schools and pervert the minds of all children.

  3. They can't just keep extending it. They have to re-write the amendment and sent it to the states for ratification all over again for it to be constitutional. But what do the Democrats care about the constitution...right?

  4. 1026, well said, from the mouth of another partisan idiot. Take a look at what that same hyperpartisan thinking did to us when revving up for the Iraq War II. Not to mention your logic makes ZERO sense since the people you are attempting to describe already can go into schools.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1026, well said, from the mouth of another partisan idiot. Take a look at what that same hyperpartisan thinking did to us when revving up for the Iraq War II. Not to mention your logic makes ZERO sense since the people you are attempting to describe already can go into schools.

    February 14, 2020 at 12:23 PM

    Your comment is from 1223pm and I am the only one to reply to you, so far. Maybe it's your attitude?


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