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Sunday, February 02, 2020

Hot Tar Civil Suit Settled

OCEAN CITY- Although the terms have not been disclosed, a civil suit filed by a resort-area resident after burning his feet on a freshly-paved section of Coastal Highway was settled last week.

According to complaint, on May 11, 2018 around 1 p.m., local resident Scott Berry was returning from the beach and crossing Coastal Highway from east to west in the area of 36th Street in a marked crosswalk when he suffered severe burns on both of his feet. The plaintiff crossed Coastal Highway in an area that was recently repaved with fresh asphalt as part of a larger paving project.

The plaintiff originally filed suit in Worcester County Circuit Court against George and Lynch, Inc., the contractor hired by the State Highway Administration (SHA) to complete the Coastal Highway paving project. The case was then moved to U.S. District Court in May 2019. The plaintiff was seeking unspecified damages in excess of $75,000, or what is essentially the jumping-off point for similar civil suits.



  1. Moron doesn't wear shoes outside and gets a payday. Wtf is wrong with this country.

  2. Quick Google search shows hi temp of 84 shortly after noon in OC that day. What the hell did this guy think, that the road wouldn’t be hot on bare feet? What’s next, people suing OC for burning their feet on hot sand in the summer? People like this are why there are warning labels on products.

  3. If the tar was that hot he should have backed up after the first step.

  4. Damn, I burned my ass on those old metal sliding boards when I was a kid. Too bad I couldn't sue, LOL!

  5. Scott Berry is an idiot.

  6. he should be sued for NOT wearing shoes of some sort...

  7. He never read the Uncle Remus story.

    1. Maybe he thought he was headed back into the br’er patch.

  8. Why were they not wearing shoes / sandals? Seen them applying blacktop and there were flaggers and they were to stupid to realize the blacktop was hot has a mental problem and should not be out in Public. Should be made to pay all expenses occurred in this absurd lawsuit which has no merit.

  9. Wow, so you can sue someone else because your stupid?

  10. To the commenters saying he should have on sandals. Really, he’s at the beach. Yes, I know it’s shocking to you that people would be in bare feet at the beach. One of the best things about summer is going barefoot!

    1. Who the heck walks barefoot on a freaking highway?? I get being barefoot on a beach, but a highway? Come one now.

  11. What happened to common sense?

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Look at the positive side of this. He now has waterproof feet!

  13. When smart people leave the beach to walk across hot sand or walkways, they put something on their feet to keep from burning their bare feet. It is just good common sense.


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