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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Hogan says he won't hike taxes, put state in deficit for Kirwan plan

BALTIMORE —Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is describing the Kirwan Commissioner education proposals as "good and worthwhile," but he said he will not pay for the plan on the backs of taxpayers or at the risk of the state going broke.

Hogan said he's open to sitting down with lawmakers to work out a plan that meets the goals of Kirwan without the big price tag. The Kirwan proposals are designed to improve public education across the state. Even as lawmakers debate how to pay for the plan, Hogan said he's not sitting on the sidelines.

"There are a lot of good and worthwhile proposals in Kirwan. In fact, most of it are things that we like and aspire to. I fully funded Kirwan this year $350 million because we had the revenue to support this," Hogan said.

But the governor is convinced that won't happen based on what he's seen so far in the Kirwan bills.



  1. Can’t wait to leave Maryland

  2. Isn't that what the Casino's were for ?

  3. Is "kirwan" a muslim word, just asking

  4. Then just push the expense onto the county governments and make them raise local taxes to generate the revenues to pay for their kid’s education. Simple solution. Done.

  5. Whatever he vetoes, it will be overturned by the democrats

  6. He is a democrat idiot .... that's why they call him a RINO/POS

  7. Trust me..........I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

  8. Kirwan plan is a tax hike and another way to steal from the MD State Employee Retirement Fund. Hogan is pushing it hard because he has made it known that there is a very good chance he will "veto" it, since he knows his Democrat Buddies will override his veto and let him act like the "good guy" while getting a kick back.

  9. On the news last night, Hogan is looking to expand casino's through out the state to help fund the schools like they said the last time they brought this crap in the state! So coming to a town near you will be gambling casino's.
    Look for more crime and all the problems that go with this to come to a city near you!!!

    1. Holy cow you're right 12:33, Popo can't keep up with all the robberies, corruption, drug dealing, murders, prostitution, embezzling, burglaries, ect, etc that has materialized since that damn casino came to race track road. We surely don't need any more of that scary stuff

  10. Solution: completely retrain ALL teachers in Classical Education. Get Common Core out of ALL Public schools. Make tough rules that apply to All students regarding behavior. NO MORE passing failing students just to look good or get rid of them. If they fail, they fail; their choice. Never allow a student to play sports, band or any extra curricular activities unless their grades are at least a solid C+. If a student is caught with drugs/guns/weapons expel PERMANENTLY, if a student attempts or rapes another student expel PERMANENTLY, if a student attacks any teacher or employee expel PERMANENTLY, do NOT tolerate bad behavior in any form. Cigarette smoking should never be allowed anywhere on school grounds, period!!! Let them know this from DAY ONE and STICK to it. These are just a few suggestions for Public schools and doesn't include bad behavior from teachers or administration. Public schools are failing for many reasons, but if they would just START with what's listed here, it would make a HUGE difference. I'm NOT holding my breath as I know these are government schools and they are not good or bold enough to truly make them right. The people in charge will NEVER try to really make it right because they are afraid of losing their jobs...shameful at best. If you expect failing schools, that's exactly what you will get. If you expect students to fail, that's exactly what you will get. Wake up Parents and face the TRUTH. YOUR Children deserve so much better and YOU'RE not doing your job to make sure they get a great education. After all, it is YOUR responsibility.

  11. More Casinos; just what we need. How stupid are our, so called, leaders...always looking to prey on the weak and the easy way out. Idiots at best.

  12. Screw that commie kirwin crap SIMPLE SOLUTION GIVE US SCHOOL VOUCHERS

  13. Your Rino POS ass grabbing Carl Anderton is voting For Kirwan. I knew he was going to be a failure but I think people would have voted for Burt or Ernie just to get Big Norm out of office.

  14. LET the teachers take back the classrooms, mandatory no cell phones allowed in classrooms, and expel repeat violators of non-violence rules. This costs nothing. Hey, I am a genius, what can I say?

  15. I like how the Kirwan Plan has a price tag and not an exact plan.

  16. I am a retired teacher, since 1990. 1:39 is exactly right. Not much learning takes place in schools today, too involved with “life skills”. Have you ever seen a cashier who can’t make change unless the register tells how much?


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