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Friday, February 07, 2020

Glenn Beck unveils money laundering scheme linked to Hunter Biden and Burisma

In a Thursday night special, BlazeTV host Glenn Beck laid out the evidence implicating a possible international money laundering scheme linked to Ukrainian gas firm Burisma and former Burisma board member Hunter Biden.

The links provided by Beck show that $1.8 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine during the Obama administration is unaccounted for — and raises the question: Why hasn't Congress launched an investigation into how those funds were spent?

What are the details?

During the special, Beck explained that in 2014, $23 million was sent to a bank in London via wire transfer by Mykola Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma. British authorities immediately froze the accounts and began tracing the funds back to their origins.



  1. Bye Bye Biden ...see ya, wouldn't want to be yaFebruary 7, 2020 at 7:41 PM

    Good news

    been informed IRS and Secret service are involved also

    back taxes owed to USA and money Laundering

  2. Looks like there might be more than a few corrupt Dems getting caught in this one?

  3. Daddy & Son Biden were Democrat > that's WHY Nothing
    was Done About it !!! AS Usual !!!

  4. I hear it's all running out of a pizza parlor

    1. that specializes in pastries. It's the pizza pastry place

  5. NOTHING will be done because it started with Clintons and Obama - they cant be touched. If you go after Obamation, your a racist.

  6. What's the tax rate on 9 billion dollars?



  7. Now that Trump outed the Biden family corruption, the Democrats are dropping him like a bad apple. Trump is genius, even if he takes a punch for doing it. Worked perfectly, and the democrats exposed THEMSELVES as a party to the corruption. Not only did the phone call out the Bidens, it also exposed those traitors in his inner circle. Genius, I say, genius indeed. Trump is the first president in my lifetime (67 years) that has ever taken on our government corruption. The first! His second term will cement his legacy, and the democrats (and more than a few corrupt republicans) are scared shitless that he will succeed. The entrenched congress of elderly corrupt millionaires don't even want the voters to decide who our president will be. Now that is the ultimate corruption, and Trump is exposing it. America now needs Trump more than ever. 4 more years!

  8. Bidens are just FULL of Schemes !!! No chance of POTUS !!!!

  9. Ruddy will get the Bidens for tax evasion , just like the Mafia !!!


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