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Monday, February 24, 2020

Ex-Bill Clinton adviser: Bloomberg and Hillary cooking up 'scheme' for her to become Democratic nominee

A former adviser to President Bill Clinton speculated that Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton are plotting a way for her to become the 2020 Democratic nominee even though she’s not in the race.

“Here’s the deal that I think is going down. I think Hillary and Bloomberg have gotten together and cooked up a scheme,” Dick Morris told John Catsimatidis on The Cats Roundtable radio show on Sunday.

He said Bloomberg would stay in the race, even if he has no chance of winning, in an effort to get at least enough support to keep Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders from running away with the nomination.

“Nobody will be nominated on the first ballot, and it’ll go to a second ballot,” Morris said of a brokered convention. “The problem is that the party establishment doesn’t have a candidate. They can’t do Bloomberg because he got killed in the debate. … Can’t do [Joe] Biden because he’s already lost the front-runner status. … [Pete] Buttigieg looks like a high school kid at the Model UN. … [Elizabeth] Warren is third, but she’s pretty far to the Left, and they’re not going to want to trust her.”



  1. They should just take a pass and look to 2024. In the meantime , a good look into a mirror might help to answer the question, "What have we become?"

  2. I do believe she is planning on it. She has new 3,000.00 pant suits that don't fit her; face lift and alot of TV talks shows going for her. 😂

    1. Get a clue:

      That is Hillary’s look-a-like.
      Not really Hillary

  3. I would really love to see Trump kick her ass again!

  4. Bloomberg would not have her run for VP, its better for him that she run for President.

    He knows that he might commit suicide by shotgun to the back of the head is she were VP.

    That evil woman would do anything to be President!

  5. She is physically weak and that is why she hasn't been out campaigning during the election. If she decides to run it will be at the last moment because she doesn't have the strength for the long haul.

  6. Good God no! True sign of the apocalypse right there.

  7. A week or two ago I 'predicted' Killary would/could be their nominee in what's called a 'brokered convention' and it's still a very real possibility.

  8. Let them Both go down in Flames 2020 !!!
    Would be entertaining to watch Trump Beat them Both !!!!

  9. Stir the base. You guys are so easy.
    Watch the shiny object

  10. Trump Base is ALL that matters !!!! America's Base !!!!

  11. She does have a look alike that she used...cant remember her name but she has done several appearances for Hillary. Don't count Mooch Obama out if its brokered. keep your eyes open to SC and Super Tuesday. We will all know after that.


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