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Monday, February 17, 2020

Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe killer disease may have begun in research facility 300 yards from Wuhan wet fish market

Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market.

A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.

'The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,' penned by scholars Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao claims the WHCDC kept disease-ridden animals in laboratories, including 605 bats.



  1. Hong Kong got it and spread it to the market because China hates HK because they won't let them have Freedom Think of it.

  2. This virus came from China because these people will eat anything that walks crawls slithers or swings.

    And there is no such thing as food preparation safety in the backwards dictatorship.

    1. That was the perfect cover for Hong Kong.

  3. IN A LAB. PERIOD!!!!

  4. The Common Sense Crew knew this from day 1.


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