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Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Democrats' Total Failure and Utter Humiliation Delights All Real Americans

Now that the Democrats’ dream of stealing the 2016 election through the power of MSNBCNN-fueled outrage, and through plots by fussy lib bureaucrats, lies in ruins, some people might argue that we should be gracious in our total victory and not mock the stinging pain that accompanied this latest agonizing failure. Some people are sissies. Hoist a stein overflowing with the tears of these losers and chug chug chug away.

Then tap another keg. This party is finally getting started, and it’s going to rage on until January 2025.

Maybe even longer, if you listen to the Bozos, Pennywises, and Krustys they find for those CNN panels. Their genius takeaway from their soul-crushing defeat in trying to impeach Donald Trump for the crime of revealing the massive corruption of Senile Joe and his son Snorty Strippertap is that Trump might decide to never leave office. That’s a good point. What would they do if he didn’t? Take up arms like real men would? Yeah, right.



  1. You are suggesting that Trump stay in power indefinitely? You do realize that is a dictator. Now when is the last time we saw a dictator established due to xenophobia and nationalistic ideals...1930 something? Ring a bell?

    1. This poster shows real fear for lack of knowledge. There is no excuse not to be aware of facts. Yet, these types of people exist. DJT knows the challenge and will open indictments slowly so that everyone can follow along. #wwg1wga

    2. You must be speaking of Franklin Delano Roosevelt! The great, great Democrat! The man who started the decline of the country with the great society and all that other mess. Is that the one?

    3. FDR started the New Deal. The Great Society was LBJ.
      Two really bad programs from really bad Dem presidents.

  2. DJT and other patriots have demolished the the Cabals power connections by bypassing the CIA, FBI, and NSC. We see the pushback, it’s too late for the evil that almost realized their goal. God wins, we win. Do yourselves a favor and follow QAnons on Twitter.

  3. LOVE seeing the Demon-crats go DOWN !!!!


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