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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Democratic congressional candidate polls Twitter on whether pro-Trump federal employees should be fired

A Democratic congressional candidate in North Carolina deleted a tweet asking whether Trump supporters with federal positions should be removed from their jobs once the president is out of office.

Mark Judson, an accountant and retired Army officer who is running against two other Democrats for the nomination, posted the question with a Twitter poll on Sunday afternoon.

"Not proposing policy — just seeing where people are on this: In 2021, after Trump is gone, we will be able to tell who 90% of his supporters are via Social Media records," the tweet from Judson's verified account said. "Should we fire all of them from any Federal Jobs, to include the military, in order to protect the Nation?"



  1. I am all for getting rid of anyone who is more loyal to a man than the constitution.

  2. While I do think that the politically appointed positions should be retained only at the behest of the incoming administration, the non-appointed civil servants should be allowed to stay - based on performance of duty. This will require the enforcement of the 'political appointees can't become hired civil servants until a year after their appointment is up' rule!

    The alternative is get rid of them all anyway every four (or eight) years or so - most of them become entrenched in worthlessness!

  3. Uh, we are protecting the nation from the Democrat assault on our freedoms.
    They are officially institutional crazy!

  4. any incoming President can and has the right to change up his admin, including anybody that reports right to them. Any other Federal employee is not affected by the incoming President and their jobs should not be terminated unless it is warranted. There are many Federal employees in many departments that do not report directly to the President ad should be left alone.


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