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Friday, February 07, 2020

Creepy Hands Biden Makes Mad Dash For Young Girls at New Hampshire Event

Biden is stumping in New Hampshire after taking a punch to the gut in Iowa.

Joe Biden looked defeated this week after he came in last place in the Iowa caucuses.

New Hampshire isn’t looking good for him either.

But the former VP looked really excited at the site of a bevy of young girls and made a mad dash to sit in the middle of the group!



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Pedomarxist democrat pervert. I really question the sanity of anyone who would vote for that clown.

    1. What is a pedomarxist? Not in webster's dictionary. Is it a word you made up 9:27? Never see it anywhere else except your post

  2. He most likely felt them up too !!!
    He used to visit That Pedifile Island with Clinton !!!!

  3. That is so scary😳 To think he was our VP at one time. It is no wonder now why our Country was in such bad shape until President Trump took over.

  4. What a freak show that guy is

    1. If he acts like this when cameras are rolling what’s he like with females when he isn’t being photographed?
      His son is as creepy. Hunter cheated on his wife by sleeping with his dead brother’s wife while also impregnating a stripper in DC.
      Classy family.

  5. Bet his eyes were Wide open & not sleepy !!!! Woke him up !!!

  6. He likes them Under 18 !!!

  7. I believe he is a pedophile.


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