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Friday, February 07, 2020

County Worried Over Immigration Detention Bill

SNOW HILL – Worcester County could lose more than $5 million a year if a bill prohibiting Maryland counties from participating in immigration detention is passed.

House Bill 677, introduced Jan. 30, would prohibit counties from contracting with the federal government or any other entity to take in immigration detainees. Worcester County currently brings in more than $5 million a year by housing detainees for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“It’s something we’re looking at very seriously,” said Commissioner Joe Mitrecic. “There’s a lot of ramifications to this.”

The commissioners agreed this week to send the Eastern Shore Delegation a letter expressing their opposition to the bill, which was introduced Jan. 30 by Montgomery County Del. Vaughn Stewart. The bill states that the enforcement of civil immigration laws is the exclusive responsibility of the federal government.



  1. Vote that Liberal piece of stupid bill down!

  2. for profit prisons! one hell of an idea! NOT!

  3. Just wait for Trump to punish Maryland for a sanctuary state. See how our state (illegal immigrant loving democrats) likes it when he withholds federal funding to protect the Americans living in this state. Trump's got nothing to lose. Maryland democrats (Baltimore) will never vote for him anyway. Even Hogan didn't support or vote for him.


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