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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Coronavirus 2-12-2020



  1. Working just as it was designed to do. Infect as many people as possible before symptoms occur, then overwhelm the medical services available until most people die. For every person infected, 100 more are infected before the infection produces symptoms. The infection rate is exponential, again just like it was designed. There is no cure. Infected people either live, with extensive in-hospital medical care, or they die. Perfect BioWeapon to overwhelm the masses and armies. This is no cold or flu virus. It is no coincidence that the outbreak occurred in Whuhan, where China has one of their BioWeapons research facilities. The bat meat at the market is a hoax and a coverup by the Chinese government. It's why they didn't want other countries assisting them in containing it. China accidentally released the weapon into their own population, and now China (mostly) and the world pays for their diabolical production of BioWeapons. Brightest people in our universities are the dumbest people in their homeland. We will never get the truth behind the outbreak from any government, theirs or ours. The governments are all concentrating on avoiding panic in the public, which there would be if the truth were known about this "virus." Protect yourself. Your only defense is to wash your hands, and avoid touching your face. If you hear a sneeze or cough, immediately vacate the area. It's all you can do. Only the historical record will record the truth of what is happening now.

  2. China has let this out bc they can't afford the $$ to take care of the ELDERLY.

  3. Funny how china said that they are running out of tests for the virus 3 days ago then today state it's LEVELLING OUT ?

  4. 1:45 Scientist already said this virus is man made and evolves un-natural which means its man made!!!! Yes it is a bio-weapon, China stole the sars virus from the Canada when they had an outbreak back in 2003 and said they want to weaponize it... There is documentation from the INDIAN govt that proves this point!!! So the research!!!!


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