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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner, 55, 'is lobbying to be allowed inside his eight-year-old son's prestigious New York school causing panic among parents who have children the same age as the teen he sexted

Anthony Weiner has been lobbying to be allowed access to his son's school again, after he was blocked from the premises following his conviction for sexting a 15-year-old girl.

The former US Congressman, 55, continued to take his eight-year-old son Jordan to school in New York after her served 18 months in prison, but he is only allowed to collect the child from the gate.

Now Weiner – who represented New York's 9th congressional district for more than 12 years – reportedly wants to gain access to school grounds and it has upset parents of attendees.



  1. I feel sorry for the kid.

  2. What's the big deal, if this was Creepy Uncle Joe Biden they would roll out the red carpet and even have lines of young girls with long hair standing waiting for him to smell their hair and inappropriately touch them.

  3. let him in! let him in! it's only ny'ers and demo rats anyway!

  4. He should have responsible escorts with him if allowed around school children

  5. His request will be approved because he is a typical criminal democrat in a criminal democrat state.

  6. Which is worse from a parenting stand point; Weiner, a 55 YOA sex starved miscreant or Huma his estranged wife and Hillary sex toy?

  7. Freemasonry

    Learn the truth

  8. He has to find his new sex partners somewhere !!! LOL

  9. He can't drive 55 !!!

  10. Hey, Ive heard the man has a hellava package, and just likes to show it off. I've met very few well endowed men in my life, but they all seem to be exhibitionists. If they have it, they flaunt it, one way or the other.

  11. Hillary got his wife , so he is Free again , to mingle like a single,
    & his pockets will Jingle !!!


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