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Monday, February 17, 2020

China Has ‘Global Chokehold’ on Medicine, Can Shut Down Our Pharmacies, Hospitals in Months

China could effectively shut down America’s healthcare system within months given the one-party state’s “global chokehold” on the manufacturing of medicines and medical supplies, explained Rosemary Gibson, author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.

Gibson, senior adviser at the Hastings Center, offered her remarks on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour.

Mansour noted how the coronavirus outbreak in China has exposed America’s dangerous dependence on Chinese production of pharmaceutical and medical supplies, including an estimated 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed for domestic drug production.

Gibson said, “If China shuts the door on exports of medicines and the ingredients to make them, within a couple of months our pharmacies would be empty. Our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are.”

America has lost much of its manufacturing apparatus for medicines to China via globalization, explained Gibson.



  1. But they like money more then they hate us so it will never happen. Not to mention it would crush markets and causing China to be crushed.

  2. WHY the hell would the most industrial nation allow China to owns us like this? Because of Freaking GREED - greedy as people. You can pay a Chinese man nothing to do something and allows the Pharm company BIG profits on the already overcharged products.

  3. And regulators are trying to force the homeopaths out.

  4. P&G AstraZeneca gsk johnson&johnson pfizer Dupont ineos Purduepharma merck

    Just to name a few. I think we will be ok without china.

    Not buying it anyway, quoting "Gibson explained how generic drugs manufacturers around the world are dependent on China for raw materials." SO generic manufacturer depend on china, none of the largest companies mentioned above are generic. But then it goes on to say that actually India is the largest exporter of generic drugs and raw materials, which china may overtake in 5 years? So why do we care about china production of raw materials when India is in fact the largest exporter?

    Regardless every major pharmaceutical chemical etc... Company in the world is located in US UK Germany France Switzerland etc... You get the picture.

  5. Trump said "America First" and the swamp dwellers responded with rage. How much do you suppose their campaigns are getting from these pharm companies?

  6. We can afford to bring pharmaceutical production back to the U.S. and we should !!!

  7. Maybe we will all live a lot longer without the "help" of Big Pharma.

  8. big pharma greed, for the price of these drugs you's think they were made by aliens in outer space! total bs!

  9. The threat is real. Already hospitals are looking for products, and they are looking everywhere even on Amazon. Products like surgical gloves are in short supply. Without them they are facing closing down their surgical centers. How do you think that will impact your health care ??

  10. So how is globalism working for you!!!

    Good example of what can happen when you have a trade deal with another country like our previous sellout presidents like Clinton and Bush!

    You reap what sow!


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