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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Can You Imagine If Trump Had Made These Comments?


  1. Well, he's not lying! He said the things we're not allowed to say, apparently. I was at Taco Bell last weekend and the employees were just screaming at each other, like a bunch of idiots. They sure weren't Canadian. I will leave it at that.

  2. He’s a rich Dumbocrat!! Doesn’t apply to him per the DNC......

  3. Come on folks.

    Mr Trump is on one side of the so-called Aisle.
    Mr Bloomer is on the other side of the Aisle.
    They are supposed to say opposite things so the Goyim think they need to make a decision.

    Americans really are as dumb as dirt.
    Seriously dumb.

  4. He speaks the truth, but the truth is not anything that is welcome in the democrat party.
    I hope he runs as the democrat nominee. Put Warren or hillary on the ticket with him.
    To every low IQ liberal, this is the dream ticket and, they believe, will be unstoppable.
    Here's some more truth -- Trump is going to crush, mutilate, and destroy ANY democrat who runs against him.
    What is their plan? Improve the economy?? Lol. Strengthen the military?
    Get more blacks, women, and Hispanics in the workforce???
    Hate Trump is NOT a plan.

    They don't have anything else, however.


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