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Saturday, February 08, 2020

Buttigieg blames Trayvon death on 'white supremacy'

Hoping to fan racial flames in his direction before the South Carolina primary, Pete Buttigieg tweeted out his support for Trayvon Martin on the occasion of what would have been Martin's 25th birthday, February 5.

"Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today," Mayor Pete tweeted. "How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?" Buttigieg threw in a Black Lives Matter hashtag just to make sure black voters knew he was down for the struggle.

This tweet would have been unfortunate six months ago. Today, it is unforgivable. In December, attorney Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch, filed suit on behalf of George Zimmerman in the Circuit Court of Florida's Tenth Judicial Circuit. The story made national news



  1. Pete... you are a loooooser dude, or is it dudette?

  2. I blame his death on gay mayors.

  3. A gay race baiter go figure.

  4. There went his Hispanic vote!

  5. Does Buttiwelcome use those glitter pills?

  6. Booty-Duty has to pander and play to his Gay base

  7. Who in the heck is Trayvon? As many men remember your name and your game.

  8. Buttgig is a real POS!!

  9. He’s dead because he assaulted a guy who was armed

  10. Trayvon was a thug. He bullied a store keeper before assulting a Community Watch citizen. He was in Florida because he was kicked out of school for bad behavior. Mayor Pete is digusting.


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