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Sunday, February 02, 2020

BREAKING NEWS!! Senate Votes Against Allowing New Witnesses & Documents

49 to 51 for no witnesses. (51) Game over, Schiff is done, no impeachment!


  1. No crimes to begin with.

    1. Exactly. Just like the Russian collusion hoax...

  2. AND BREXIT ALL IN THE SAME DAY 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁. FU DEMS. 🖕

  3. 6:10, Not true. There were hundreds of crimes committed bringing false allegations and charges against a duly elected President.

  4. It is scary that it was so close to begin with but then again the Democrats don't look at facts they just look at what they want.

  5. Wrong 6:10 The conspiracy against Trump is criminal!

  6. Who are the Rhinos who voted for this ?

    we will fire them come election time

    please name the Bistards

  7. Mitt Romney & Collins (I forget her first name, Susan, I think>)

  8. I'm 6:10, my point was Trump committed no crimes, the dems have committed many.

  9. 6:41 - so true. Here’s the truth, none of this matters. If Maxine Waters ran for President, she would win California, New York, and Virginia. That means she’s over halfway there. It doesn’t matter what crazy things that Adam Schiff says, he will be reelected in his next election.

    So no matter how desperate or crazy they are, the Democrats are going to win a major number of electoral votes just because some states are completely lost.

    Donald Trump is the last Republican president. The only question is if he has two terms or one. But after this, that’s it. No more Republicans. The country is too far gone

    1. Yep, Virginia is gone, Texas is getting very close to going blue.
      Probably 50% Trump gets relected after that it's over.
      Demographics data does not lie.

    2. People flee the liberal states that have been ruined by their policies, then they vote the same way in their new state...the spread of the disease of liberalism.

  10. Schiff and his boring band of boobs are not done. They're still going to call Trump impeached and now whine about not being able to call new witnesses. They'll ride this pony to death, up to, during and after the election they're going to lose.

  11. It will be called a Cover up by Democrats. Dems are so sick it is scary.

  12. Fkkking FINALLY !!!! Everyone is Sick & Tired of the damn

    Democrats Bullshhhht case !!! Get it OFF my TV !!!!!

    Full EXONERATION for TRUMP is a MUST , then case OVER !!!

    1. If he wants exoneration he would release the documents and have Bolton,, etc testify under oath.

    2. Release what documents? He already did that.

  13. I can not believe I voted for Romney WTF

  14. What Farse do the Demoncrats plan for next week ??

    A Judge needs to SHUT THEM DOWN !!! For Good

    or they will continue on week after week year after year !!!!

    America is SICK of it !!! Make them do their Damn Job !!!!

  15. Senate Votes against any more Stalling by Democrats !!!!! LOL

  16. THEY are NOT a damn Court or a Judge in the House !!!
    The sooner they LEARN that, the better !!!

    Separation of Powers is for a Good reason !!! Dugh

  17. Collins & Romney are TRAITORS of America & must GO !!!!

    They ARE Demon-crat , and need to Join them !!!!

    Flip Floppers who have a long record of Going against us !!!!!

  18. Everyone wringing their hands over lawless Democrats... Nothing is ever going to happen to them by the justice department that’s just the way it is. If you want justice you have the second amendment written into the Constitution just for this reason

  19. 2 Term Limits MUST be passed in 2020 !!!
    Alot of idiots WILL have to GO !!!!

  20. Between the dumbocrats actions in this shampeachment, and the socialism they're proposing for election in November, I expect a re-election in November...with a landslide victory... Unless people neglect to vote....then we're all screwed!

  21. Let's Make this Week OVER & DONE by WED at the Latest !!!!

    FULL EXONERATION for Trump of course !!! MAGA

  22. It is truly sad when we become political parties instead of Americans. The precedent being set with this case is completely horrifying.

    No impeachment trial for any office has voted to not call witnesses. It's absurd, and it's unthinkable.

    Our Senators SWORE AN OATH to be impartial, even had to sign off on it. They violated that oath. Thy should all be reminded of this stain they have left on America and our history come the next election.


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