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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Bloomberg’s gun ban rejected in Virginia with Democratic help

Despite spending millions to turn Virginia’s legislature blue and a last-minute visit to Richmond, Democrats in the Senate turned back presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s top goal in the state of banning “assault weapons.”

In a lopsided 10-5 vote, the state Senate Judiciary Committee killed any advancement this year, pushing the legislation off for a year.

“VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” tweeted Phil Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

HB961 went down by a 10 to 5 vote! Everybody’s hard work, Lobby Day, and sanctuary movement paid off!



  1. Bloombergs interference in local politics needs to be stopped. Him and soros should be locked up!!

    1. They are not violating any Statutory Laws

      You obviously wish there were Common Law jurisdictions in the US (like me). But there aren’t any. The US Constitution is null and void. It established Common Law, not Statutory Law

      Learn the truth about Statutory Law

  2. It will be back next year. Start planning now. You saw what MD did to us with SB281. VA is to close to MD to also not get screwed.

  3. A vote for democrats is a vote against America.

  4. NRA will protect Americans in Virginia baby !!!


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