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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bloomberg Gets Called Out at Presser for Being in Epstein’s Little Black Book

Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in June and indicted on one count of conspiring to commit sex trafficking.

Epstein was later found dead in his prison cell. Authorities ruled it a suicide.

Epstein’s former house manager tried to sell his black book of contacts years ago. Gawker got a copy of the book and published the 93 pages of contacts in 2015.

The book contains entries for Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, Griffin Dunne, New York Post gossip Richard Johnson, Ted Kennedy, David Koch, filmmaker Andrew Jarecki, and all manner of other people you might expect a billionaire to know.



  1. Blomberg liked little short boys they made him feel tall.

  2. Oh, another customer like Bill Clinton & the Prince in U.K. !!!!!

  3. Mossad scooped up all of the wanna-be-rich Jews including many politicians in Epstein’s honey trap. Stories are many but it appears most of the nastiness which was recorded so the adepts could be blackmailed, involved homosexual engagements with young people.

    These are the same processes whereby Skull & Bones Members (Bush 41, Bush 43, Kerry) are also blackmailed.

    These people are willing to be blackmailed in order to garner the tremendous wealth that can be afforded them by Fed Bankers (currency printers).

  4. The Donald rode that jet as well!

  5. 5:36 The Donald rode that jet once in 1997. A flight from palm beach fl to Newark NJ. Never rode the jet to Epstein island like your friend bill did. But hey don’t let those facts get in the way of your feeble attempt at shading my prez😎

    1. 7:13 Don’t like facts? How typically left of you🙄

  6. Where is that black book anyway?

  7. Bill Clinton was the Main customer !!! Of course he is Teflon !!

  8. They all got Blackmailed & sucked in with the Young Girl Bait !!!


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