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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Bill passes that would allow classes about Bible to be taught in W.Va. schools

CHARLESTON, W.Va (WCHS / WVAH) Several bills have made their way through the West Virginia Legislature this session, but one sparked a lot of controversy Tuesday.

Delegates passed House Bill 4780 that would allow classes about the Bible to be taught in schools across the state.

After a lengthy debate, the delegates voted to pass the bill about elective classes on the Old and New Testaments. Some said the Bible has had a major historical impact, and it should be taught to students. But others said the classes would discriminate against students who practice other religions or no religion at all.

"If we're going to teach the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, why not teach the Quran as well?" Nasir Abdussalam of the Islamic Association of West Virginia said.



  1. Because we are not a muslim country. I think WV has a grand idea.

  2. Great news. About time someone has the courage to look out for the kids.

  3. A lot of you on here, myself included, could do with some bible lessons.

  4. "Almost Heaven, West Virginia!" "Blue Ridge Mountains....."

  5. Stupidest thing I ever heard of, religion should be kept out of schools completely. Schools are to teach the 3 R,s and one of them ain't religion.

  6. The dishonesty here is incredible. This isn't about history, or historical impact. This is about proselytizing to children, and smuggling the Christian religion into schools.

    Look, I'm TOTALLY fine with a "religion and cultures" course in schools that would spotlight the major religions of the world, and their cultures.

    But a strictly "bible" class is an OBVIOUS shoe horning of religion into public schools by a tyrannical religious majority, it's reprehensible... and an insult to the religious liberty that our founder gave us.

    This needs to be challenged in the courts immediately.

  7. @741 We aren't a Christian country either. Come to grips with that.


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