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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bill de Blasio demands 'consequences' for police union chief who declared 'WAR' on the New York Mayor after a gunman injured two officers

Bill de Blasio has demanded 'consequences' for a New York police union head after an incendiary tweet 'declaring war' on the mayor.

Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) president Ed Mullins launched an attack on de Blasio after an officer was shot inside a patrol van Saturday night and another outside a Bronx police station the following morning.

'Mayor DeBlasio, the members of the NYPD are declaring war on you!' Mullins tweeted. 'We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile creatures, the 1% who hate cops but vote for you. NYPD cops have been assassinated because of you. This isn't over, Game on!'



  1. Good for him, this cop.
    DeBlasio, Communist scum he is.
    Unfortunately he and his type appeal to the heathens of the growing underworld.
    Same fatal attraction they had with Obama.

  2. Blasio, bloomburg, clinton what have they done for NY except for the failed policies of these luciferian mouth pieces. Rich commie pigs. At our expense, Hell bent on the hope and change lie.

  3. The kings will soon fall on their own swords.

  4. DeBlasio is a buffoon. How can he show his face in public?

  5. How about consequences for declaring war on the Police !


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