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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Bill Banning Balloon Releases Statewide Passes In Maryland Senate

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — A bill that would ban balloon releases statewide has passed in the Maryland Senate.

SB28 would prohibit balloon releases in the state except for those used for scientific or government purposes. People who “knowingly and intentionally” organize or take part in balloon releases would face a penalty of up to $250.

Last year, Queen Anne’s County became the first county in the state to ban balloon releases.

The bill now moves to the House.



  1. WOW how about banning gay crosswalks being painted. 🌈 In the gaybury

  2. Typical Democrat in charge of chitFebruary 12, 2020 at 7:37 PM

    That's right your birthday beats , who have the audacity to celebrate your Birthday with balloons

    you will be arrested

    if we catch u with a Birthday Balloon that

    you might release or let go of by accident

  3. The legislature doesn't have anything better to do than this?

  4. Is this for real? We are actually paying representatives to see that balloon releases are POLICED?

  5. Thank God! I know as an MD taxpayer, I couldn't think of one thing more important that our elected officials should be focused on! Yes, that is sarcasm.
    On a serious note, this state has a million other problems, certainly more pressing than this. You guys sit around and play grab ass all day and then pass these worthless, trivial bills just to say "look at all the work we are doing!". Get off your asses, do some real work and maybe, just maybe, do something that would actually help your constituents.

  6. They are setting the stage:

    The Goyim may not interfere with our ability to watch them!

  7. Wow tick tock keep cheering the insanity and useless waste of taxpayer time money and obvious legislation. Another libtarded knee jerk reaction. We elect total useful idiots for anyone but who they represent.

  8. Fining those at a childs birthday party while the same legislators violate the civil rights of millions. We're going to need mass graves.

  9. To play devil's advocate I was a fisherman for years and when we would pull in our nets there would occasionally be trash in them. Stuff like potato chip bags, cans, ect, but I would say 9 out of 10 times I found trash in the bay it was deflated balloons. Don't know how much of an impact they have on the environment but I can tell you there are plenty of them out there.

    1. 1:33 Did you ever replant or replace the fish your netting in mass? Farmers annually plant the seeds for the grain they harvest. What are you doing to sustain the product you profit from? Answer that and then we'll talk about balloons.

    2. I planted several fish

      Nothing ever grew

  10. Voting democrat in Maryland wastes your tax dollars.

  11. how they gonna produce the evidence?

  12. Just be thankful that the fart bill didn’t pass.

  13. Who in the hell is going to enforce this ? You got to be kidding me.

  14. Can release illegals but not balloons

  15. No problem, I'll just release them at night!

  16. Mary Beth Corozza, you are nothing but a Libtard!

  17. Everyone thinks it is Democrats pushing this but it is our very own precious Mary Beth Carozza. People, you need to read before you comment.


    Solid Waste Management - Prohibition on Releasing a Balloon Into the Atmosphere
    Sponsored by
    Senators Lam, Hershey, Hester, Carozza, and Young

  18. I gotta admit this makes me want to release balloons every single day.

    And I have never released a balloon before

  19. Civil Disobedience

    Release balloons daily until the cows come home

  20. That does it for me. I’m buying balloons every week and releasing them into the air. Just to spite them!

  21. Let’s all agree to release at least 1 balloon each and every day

    Should be fun

  22. Wow 10:50, 10:51 and 10:52. What? Are you 5 years old? Grow up.

  23. 10;49
    You probably planted them head first not tail first and then forgot to water them!

  24. Actually, Helium is a finite resource we're beginning to run low on and should not be wasted on toys. It has far more important uses such as medical and industrial applications.


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