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Monday, February 10, 2020

Biden Calls Woman 'Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier'

What's the first thing a Democratic presidential candidate should do after suffering a monumental defeat in the first caucus of the season?

If you're Joe Biden, call a woman who introduced herself as "Madison" a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" after she says she's attended a caucus.

According to Yahoo News' Sharon Weinberger, Biden has previously used the phrase - from a John Wayne movie - to disparage Republicans.

Sunday's outburst is the latest in a string of Bidenisms - which have included calling a voter fat and challenging him to a push-up contest or an IQ test.



  1. Joe never wanted to be President. He still doesn't. Just go back and look how long it took the Party to get him to announce. Then, when he did, it wasn't sincere. Vote for Trump 2020. He WANTS IT!

  2. It's time for Biden to take an Alzheimer's screening exam.


  3. The gift that keeps on giving.

  4. Biden would never pass an IQ test himself---he is a flatliner, lobotomy showing poor looser and even Obama has never supported him and never will.

  5. Oh Joe, I don't think you will win by insulting voters.
    You are a gift, 12:10 is 100% correct !

  6. These people are messing with our minds

  7. Northwest Woodsman: A most inappropriate and stupid comment by The second most stupid candidate ever to run for office. It would be difficult to determine whether Joe Biden or Al Gore wins that title. I am disturbed that so many really missed informed, manipulated low information voters actually vote for clowns like these for what ever reason remains a total mystery.


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