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Sunday, February 16, 2020

AOC: Trump 'knows' Bernie Sanders can beat him in November

DURHAM, New Hampshire — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez taunted President Trump at a Bernie Sanders rally on the eve of the New Hampshire Democratic primary.

"Let's talk about November, because we know, in every poll, Bernie beats Trump," Ocasio-Cortez said Monday at the University of New Hampshire, the last major campaign stop for the Vermont senator before voters in the state go to the polls.

She added, "Trump knows that. Why else do you think he's come here tonight?"



  1. I pray to God Bernie gets the nod. Hell will freeze over before this nation elects a Socialist.

    1. He's a communist and AOC is a fruit cake. You are correct. He will be defeated if he runs against President Trump...

    2. Don't count on it 12:31
      Dimocrats elected a muslim for 2 4 year terms

  2. If Bernie doesn't have Another ❤️Attack before it lol. PS Trump will Destroy him.

  3. An Occasional Consciousness is truly clueless! The numbers tell a better story!

  4. Cortez is a fool no one listens to her she's just like Hillary out to lunch with Captain Crunch.

  5. Trump will give him a Massive stroke day 1 .

  6. Why don't the Democrats table Romney since biden is all washed up ?

  7. Maybe a stripper poll but certainly not a reliable one. Must have polled the communist mailing list

  8. Bernie the socialist who has made millions in a capitalist country. Bernie wants millionaires to pay their share in taxes but he paid less then the average American. World is ending as he waves stepping into his private jet.

  9. She's so wise! How will we ever get along without her after the next congressional election??

  10. She is such an idiot. She reminds me of discussions with my daughter when she was a teenager.

  11. Bernie needs to come out and admit he is actually a communist. Who in their right minds spends their honeymoon in Russia to visit Lenin's tomb? Bernie and his wife...

  12. Yeah, just like AOC thought the Senate would remove Trump from office over a purely political impeachment. I never really liked NY or New Yorkers. They are rude people. Went there a couple of times, and didn't see anything that made me want to go back. Upstaters hate NYC, like Eastern Shoremen hate Baltimore. But now I'm convinced they (NYC) are stupid to elect someone like her. They had the new Amazon headquarters in the bag until she threatened Amazon with high taxes and accused them of being a bad thing for NY (50,000 new jobs!!!). NY gets what they deserve. They voted for it. I believe in the election process. They (and AOC) don't. They want to overturn the votes of 1/2 of America in the last presidential election. That young lady is a moron.

  13. He'll be the first bald president ever.

  14. She actually believes Bernie will have her on the ticket as VP, and from what we have seen from the Independent- not Democrat- Senator, why not.

  15. I want Bernie to be there selection
    Trump against Bernie
    Now that will be really great entertainment
    Get out the pop corn folks
    It just keeps getting better every day

  16. I think Allie is a cutie. I’d vote for her simply for that.

  17. Anonymous said...

    I think Allie is a cutie. I’d vote for her simply for that.

    February 12, 2020 at 4:35 PM:

    Well if you're that stupid, you must be a democrat. But first, you'll have to move to NY. Good riddance!

  18. Her days are numbered she got lucky but won’t happen next time.

  19. AOC has a great smile, regrettably, she has nothing behind it.

  20. He gonna Beat your AOC ass too !!! Out of Congress !!!

  21. In your wildest dreams!

  22. Primary comin' soon, tic-toc, Lexi, tic-toc.


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