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Monday, February 17, 2020

Al Sharpton's failed 2004 presidential campaign still nearly $1M in debt

Rev. Al Sharpton’s former campaign still owes over $900,000 more than 15 years after his failed 2004 presidential run.

"I have asked Andrew Rivera, the finance chair of my 2004 campaign, to set up a meeting with the Federal Election Commission so that I can resolve any campaign debts related to Sharpton 2004,” Sharpton told the New York Post over the weekend. “I am willing to work out a settlement for all claims with my own money to the degree that I’m allowed and will raise money directly."

He added, "Even if I am not legally liable for it, I am certainly morally responsible.”

Sharpton is not personally on the hook for the money 15 years later. Instead, it’s his campaign committee and specifically his campaign treasurer, Andrew Rivera, who are responsible.



  1. Is Sharpton still behind on his taxes, though?

  2. And yet we still give him all the air time and attention he wants, especially Obama his famous White House visitor over 60 times, and still hasn't paid a dime on his taxes.

  3. Double standards for 13 percenters. If it were you or me. We'd be under the jail...

  4. It’s ok he supports Dumbocrats.....everything is ok if you back them and talk negative about the President!

  5. Where is the Arrest ?

  6. what about the interest? Sharpton was the head of his organization so he is responsible. He spent this money. Lock him up and throw away the key. Maybe Soros or Bloomberg could pay this for him.

  7. He used that money to party on a long time ago.It would be refreshing to know what IRS official is holding off charging him with tax evasion.

  8. Of course that POS is still in Debt.


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