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Thursday, February 13, 2020

AG Barr Goes OFF On Sanctuary Cities, Wants A MAJOR Crackdown


  1. He didnt "go off" on the contrary, he as with others politely gave them yet another warning to stop violating the laws. Im sick of the warnings, sick of constantly seeing a 2 tier justice system especially when its protecting the most dangerous criminal politicians and gov employees. Long past due with the polite kind warnings...arrest these abusive power thugs!

  2. Makes sense. So now the question has always been, "why" has this been allowed in the first place ?

  3. 944, because the entire system all the way to the top has been too corrupt to prosecute. But now the swamp has been draining so hopefully indictments get unsealed soon. Fingers crossed frosh is in the first ten and whom ever sponsored the recent md state sanctuary bill.

  4. Hope he, or President Trump.......declare Marshall Law and go in with Armed Forces and clean those cities up, then hand it back after the shutdown is over and criminals shipped out!!! Tell the cities thanks for keeping them in one location!!

  5. Now he can add the State of Virginia
    Go get them

  6. What's up with VA. Use to be a great State.

  7. 2:27......The problem.....Dumbocrats!

  8. Trumps personal attorney at work

  9. America needs a really big enema. Stick the plunger right in the DNC headquarters, wait a few hours and then the illegals and crooks should be ready to be flushed down the drain.


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