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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Viewer Writes.........Wicomico County Next?


  1. Don't hold your breath!

  2. MIKE WE ARE WAITING ????????

  3. Sheriff Lewis your UP.

  4. I wouldn't go before the council , this county sucks and are nothing more than liberal left democrats . Wicomico county council is a shameful pile of humans dung . They wouldn't support anything unless it paid them something . Lewis would be wasting his time and we should already know it. The council can't decide when to go pee or poop .

  5. Just a political move on your sheriffs part , can't you see through the trees?

  6. Mike has released a statement on the Wicomico page saying he was for it. He reached out to Culver and was green lighted for the process. Go to the Facebook Page to see. Also there is a petition on change.org going for the same reason. Just go to the website and search Wicomico County to sign if your so inclined.

  7. it already happened. Mike posted on WIC's 2A FB - that he has met with CE about it.

  8. You people are delusional to think this will happen here in Wicomico County...

  9. 12:46 & 340 go back across the bay with your libtard buddies


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