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Sunday, February 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes.......1-29-20

For those of you wishing to contact a number of confused Republican Senators, I've listed their DC phone numbers below. Give a quick call to their voice mail and let them know how you feel about them being so confused that they will dance to the democratic drum beat.

Mitt Romney 1-202-224-5251
Susan Collins 1-202-224-2523
Lisa Murkowski 1-202-224-6665
Cory Gardner 1-202-224-5941
Lamar Alexander 1-202-224 4944

I was able to contact them today to leave a message. They are there because right now they are a captured audience.


  1. Flood their voice mail with calls. Murkowski and Collins are seeing this as Kavanaugh 2.0. Very disappointed in Romney who thinks he is "the spoiler".

  2. Waste of time. Their minds were made up, before the senate hearing. DC is so corrupt. I hate democrats.

  3. Thanks for providing these. I will be sure to ring them and thank them for wanting a fair trial despite their political alignment.

  4. Would it not make sense for you to call your senator and attempt to convince him to change his vote rather than call elected officials from other states?

  5. I’ve been sending emails to. Google them you will find their email addresses

  6. Thank you . I will be sure tho call them and demand witnesses.

    1. Start with the corrupt bidens, please

  7. NO it won't help to call Senators from Maryland. They will vote 100 percent Democrat. They could careless about us.
    Calling Senators or emailing them in other states helps alot.. It influences their outside their state fundraising and gives them a pulse of other states like ours that have no voice. I flooded these same Senators over Bret Kavannah. Especially Collins. Must've helped.

  8. 8:03 - I know you hate Democrats. I know their minds are made up. So try to help a little by contacting the listed Senators and ask them to not be played by the Democrats game. I know you can sway at least one of these Senators so please try.
    8:35 - Yes, it would make sense to call our State Senators if at least one of them was a Republican. However, they are both Democrats and we all know they will walk in lock step over a cliff with no questions asked to support what Pelosi and the minority leader ,Chuckie, want.
    8:22 - your words of a "fair trial" are interesting. Let's see, in a trial it's the job of the prosecutor, (in this case the House),to gather and present evidence. The House had all the time they needed to gather and present what they call evidence. That evidence is then turned over to the jury,(in this case the Senate), to be judged. The jury evaluates the evidence turned over to them to form a judgement. It is not the responsibility of the jury (Senate) to go looking for additional evidence. But as we know, when Democrats don't like the rules the first thing they try to do is change the rules. It's just a proven factual technique of the Democratic Party. Now what the dems are doing is trying to make Republicans feel guilty because they were in a hurry to get impeachment charges and failed to gather the needed evidence. So they change the rules and now want the Senate to complete their job. I'm sad to see you and many others fall for this.

  9. I will also call to support their demand for witnesses. Unlike most of you I can be impartial and see that if a Democrat dictator was in power I would want a fair hearing.

  10. Thank you, 9:37. You win the internet for today!

  11. @ January 29, 2020 at 9:37 AM

    Every impeachment trial of any kind for all offices that have been held in the Senate have called Witnesses to testify and subpoena additional documents. Every. Single. One. In every single one the "jurors" as 9:37 called them, these jurors called additional Witnesses and testimony. Every. Single. Time. Save for this one. This time, for some bizarre reason, the requests to do so were tabled.

    Because apparently, and innocent man needs not people to testify, nor additional evidence be presented. Apparently for this innocent man, a special exception to ALL OF THE OTHER impeachment cases ever held in the Senate apparently make not a precedent or expectation that the process will be the same! Apparently, for an innocent man, his political party has to work to block access to what the American public overwhelmingly wants to hear.

    Lets not pretend this farce won't end with acquittal no matter what. Trump could be dead to rights guilty, and seats of power are so precious, and being re-elected so important that the Republicans will never do the right thing... they will do the most beneficial for them thing. If the tables were turned, the Dems would do the same.

    This is the very definition of the Swamp, and the reason for term limits, and for removing ALL of these crooks and liars.

    There are no rules changings here.

    1. How do you prove a negative? He wasn't charged with a crime. Innocent by default.

  12. Our republic states you have to be proven guilty not just by hearsay.

    1. Bull Chit,

      Little Napoleon Mike Lewis will harass you based on allegations only

      Typical F 'in Democrat Lying Lewis is

  13. January 29, 2020 at 12:08 PM
    The impeachment doesn't meet the required criteria and is therefore invalid, so there is no need to call witnesses.

  14. January 29, 2020 at 12:08 PM - Remember Republicans, the Democrats already had 17 witnesses, we were given NONE! Witnesses are up to the House, not up to the Senate. Don’t let the Dems play you!

  15. 9:37 Einstein, the ONLY witnesses called in the Clinton trial were a few that testified earlier in the House in order to clarify their testimony. No NEW witnesses. Better yet, let’s have a “FAIR” trial in the Senate like the one in the House & this time only allow friendly Republicans to testify. Start out behind closed doors, train them as to what they should say at the trial & don’t let the Dem’s ask questions. Oh & don’t forget to leak Republican news to the press.


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