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Sunday, February 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes 1-27-20

I have a question, if anyone knows..
As the president of the senate and arbitrator in the senate, what role does vice-president Pence have in the scenario??


  1. Pretty sure he has none. He's in the on deck circle in case the impeachment is confirmed


  2. As 9:24 says, he's on standby. It would be a conflict for him to preside over the Senate while they decide whether he should become President. That is why the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is presiding.

  3. He is generally considered a tie-breaker vote. Though he is the 100th member of the senate, there are rare occasions when another senator can't won't vote.

  4. Nancy will be President by March. Markets will crash, gas will be unaffordable and health insurance will fall apart. Hollywood and media will celebrate from their beach homes in Italy.

    1. And you will be completely 100% wrong
      Keep Cheering


  5. The Chief Justice of SCOTUS is presiding over the Senate process.

    The VP plays no role in the proceedings. Were the President to be removed, the VP would step up, and he could then nominate a replacement VP, subject to confirmation of his nominee by the Senate.

    Personal opinion: Those involved in this plot against the President and our republic should be exposed, tried, convicted. They should receive the strictest punishment for their sedition.

  6. 9:24 is correct. VP can only vote in the Senate if there is a tie; since impeachment needs a 2/3 majority Pence would never need to vote in the first place. Not only that, but since he is next in line for the Presidency it would be considered a conflict of interest for him to vote.

  7. I'm guessing but I think he may still be a tie breaking vote. My reasoning is that they are saying that the democrats need 4 republicans to vote for witnesses. Three would make it 50 - 50 so I suppose the VP would vote to break a tie vote.

  8. In case of a tie he cast the final vote

  9. He has none - he is a tie breaker. Impeachment of POTUS requires a 2/3rds vote

  10. I think he can vote to break a tie.

  11. He can only be a spectator.

  12. Pence approved the phone call and said it was ok. Therefore he cannot be president. Nancy is next in line and will probably take over by April.

    1. And you're probably wrong 2:01

    2. 201 comments

      you must be that prescription drug dependent Susan Olsen

      who hates America, writes Propaganda articles for defunct newspapers,

      and is under investigation by the FBI for donations to Hezbollah

  13. I read a very good article on this a week or so ago. Pence does not have any vote. CJ Roberts does not have a vote as he is the presiding judge.In the event of a tie vote, impeachment does not pass.
    IMHO, ALL witnesses should be allowed to testify.And since there are no facts
    to have warranted an impeachment, all parties who have made false witness,the
    Senators from both parties who have been complicit with obstruction of justice, sedition and treason should be taken out in the street to die from lead poisoning.

    1. Lead poisoning, sounds like fun


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