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Saturday, February 22, 2020

3 suspects now charged in shooting death of Prince George's County cop's son

Two more arrests have been made in the Tuesday shooting death of 17-year-old Bradley Brown, the son of a Prince George's County cop.

Brown, who had just met all the requirements to become an Eagle Scout, was found dead in his Bryans Road driveway that evening by Charles County Sheriff's deputies. A gun that hadn’t been fired was found near Brown's body.

Keshawn Belasco, 16, and Mikayle Qawwee, 19, both of Waldorf, are now charged with first-degree murder, authorities announced Friday.

The first suspect to be arrested in this case was Darryl Edward Freeman, 17, of Waldorf. He was taken into custody on Wednesday and will be charged as an adult with first-degree murder. Belasco will also be charged as an adult.



  1. Most wouldn't blink if the kid wasn't white, a cop's child and an Eagle Scout candidate.

  2. 1:22 you’re full of it
    Would rather see these 3 out of the picture other than young Mr Brown.

  3. Ok. So I just finished reading the article. Should have done so before commenting. The kid was doing something illegal too. But to kill him? Bad news all around.

  4. Ganstas don't play.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: As I keep harping, it is the culture and it is not going to change. Adapt to the crime and violence or do something.

  6. cop's kid selling illegal THC vapes, illegal possession of a firearm.
    But they are trying to spin it as an Eagle scout being murdered? puhlease

  7. They killed another person , They are not the judge or jury . Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. The culture of satan the devil.


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