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Monday, January 27, 2020

Why won't Hillary Clinton just go away?

Hillary Clinton promised in 2016 that she would make history, and she did.

She lost a winnable election where she enjoyed every conceivable advantage over her opponent, including a roughly 2-to-1 edge in campaign spending. Clinton then went on to become the first failed nominee in modern American history who cannot manage to move on.

John McCain returned to the Senate after his loss in 2008 to Barack Obama. John Kerry similarly went back to work in the Senate after the 2004 election and later joined Obama's administration. Al Gore still complains about losing in 2000 to George W. Bush, but he also found a new calling and made his mark as a (self-appointed) spokesman for the planet. Bob Dole left politics altogether after his defeat in 1996 and went on to star in commercials for Pepsi and Viagra. George H. W. Bush split his time after 1992 between charitable work and his vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine. Walter Mondale returned to his law firm. Jimmy Carter has Habitat for Humanity.



  1. And Hillary has... Hillary.

  2. The author of course fails to mention Hillary’s death on Sept 11, 2026. We know she died after being tossed into the limo at the 912 Memorial Service like a 2X4 board. We know because a couple hours later Hillary #2 appeared on the NY sidewalk outside Chelsea’s apartment. That look-a-like didn’t look so much alike and was soundly rejected.


  3. The author of course fails to mention Hillary’s death on Sept 11, 2026. We know she died after being tossed into the limo at the 911 Memorial Service like a 2X4 board. We know because a couple hours later Hillary #2 appeared on the NY sidewalk outside Chelsea’s apartment. That look-a-like didn’t look so much alike and was soundly rejected.



  4. "Why won't Hillary Clinton just go away?"

    Short answer: she's an obsessed psychopath.

  5. She had the Whole damn Govt in her pocket & still does with her
    Demoncrats !!!!!

    Deep State Hillary !!!! POTDS ( Pres of the Deep State )

  6. She is SICK & ARROGANT too much for her own good !!!!

  7. She should be in a Prison & there was More than enough to put
    her there too !!!
    No Justice until she is either !!!

  8. Are you guys describing Hillary-ness?
    Or the dead Hillary Clinton?

    Which is it.
    Wake up for crying out loud

  9. Hillary should be dropped off in the Ukraine all our enemies and troubled countries did not have the funds to take care of their own people but funded the Clinton Foundation and made her and Bill BILLIONAIRES and that is with a B. Now just like Obama she can't let go their 15 minutes more of fame is still alluding them. This woman was deranged when her husband was pursuing other females while Governor of Arkansas, she backed him every time he cheated and went after the females involved even Monica who was 19 at the time she first entered the White House. She leaked US secrets to our enemies in the e-mail scandal--they were marked as confidential and Censored but were sent anyway because being a lawyer herself she didn't understand what she was doing. Do you all remember when her and Bill were leaving the White House and they were crying the blues wishing they could afford a house in NY city, but the BILLIONS didn't help!

  10. Send her to Pedifile Island for punishment by Bill !!! LOL LOL

  11. She likes the SPOTLIGHT !!! Egotist / Stuck up / Spoiled


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