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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Vermont bill would ban cellphone use for anyone under 21

MONTPELIER, Vt. —A bill seeking to ban the use of cellphones for anyone under the age of 21 was introduced by a Democratic state senator in Vermont this week.

The bill, introduced to the Judiciary Committee by Sen. John Rodgers, would make the possession of a cellphone punishable by up to one year in prison, a $1,000 fine, or both.

Rodgers writes within the proposal that cellphones are a large factor in teenage driving deaths and can lead to bullying and radicalization.

"In light of the dangerous and life-threatening consequences of cellphone use by young people, it is clear that persons under 21 years of age are not developmentally mature enough to safely possess them," the bill reads. "just as the General Assembly has concluded that persons under 21 years of age are not mature enough to possess firearms, smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol."

In an interview with the Times Argus Wednesday, Rodgers said the bill was introduced to raise conversation, and he does not expect it to pass.



  1. At least make it 18 All 50 states . NOT a TOY !!!!

  2. While I agree that it is a dangerous problem,
    it is another example of Government / Dem wanting to control your life
    as opposed to a person having self control enough to not use it while driving

  3. Nope!!!! I disagree. I would go so far as to say to disabling the phones SMS capabilities when in motion along with being able to use the phone in a normal manner. Hands-free operation should still be allowed. Our phones have become an integral part of daily life worldwide and many parents use cell phones to keep track of their kids. Disable the keypad with the exception of a 911 button.

    Also, once this happens then other things will happen as well, ones that might affect something that you like to do and not necessarily while driving. Drink sizes, straws, Styrofoam, self-protection. I know that this is a very broad and rather complex issue that can be argued on many fronts bu itt all starts somewhere.

    Just my two cents.

  4. The dangerous and life threatening use is when driving. This is by people of all ages though more frequent in younger people. $80 fines aren’t working. Make it $500-$1000 for first offense. Loss of license for 2nd. I want my child to have one in this crazy world. I don’t think they are going to start reinstalling pay phones around the country for them to use

  5. I agree with this completely!

    The mental damage being done to these kids that can't keep their noses out of their phone is immeasurable.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Tossin freedom out the winder....

  8. My God.

    Keep cheering, you big dummies.

  9. Spoiled moms are the Blame for giving them out like Toys !!!
    They are Jamming up the system with kids using it !!!!

  10. 1258
    Please calm down man. That is not good for your blood pressure or heart rate. You were still upset an hour later, I'm pretty sure. Let it go.

    Here is an idea to get back at the government for passing idiotic mind-controlling Statutory Laws:

    Everyday make it a game to see just how many Statutes you can violate without getting caught.
    It is fun. Try it.

  11. My granddaughter was given a toy which was actually a small tablet - can't remember the name - but this instrument (device) taught her to read, spell, eye contact, etc at very young age - started I believe around 3 years old (not reading at 3 of course) but able to recognize words, animals, etc. It is a very good learning tool. Now of a teenager and her phone - just need to make sure they and others remain safe will using them.

  12. No internet either until 18 !!! Not a TOY !!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No internet either until 18 !!! Not a TOY !!

    January 10, 2020 at 10:11 PM

    It can be a toy or a tool. Just like everything else, it depends on how it's applied and who is doing the applying.

  14. Has WRONGFULLY been passed out as a TOY since it came to be !!!!

  15. Anonymous said...
    While I agree that it is a dangerous problem,
    it is another example of Government / Dem wanting to control your life
    as opposed to a person having self control enough to not use it while driving

    January 10, 2020 at 10:50 AM

    I'm a Republican and I think it's an excellent idea and long overdue!

    I have no problem giving them a flip phone with limited phone numbers and no texting, but no smartphones!

  16. Rebel Without a Clue said...
    Nope!!!! I disagree. I would go so far as to say to disabling the phones SMS capabilities when in motion along with being able to use the phone in a normal manner. Hands-free operation should still be allowed. Our phones have become an integral part of daily life worldwide and many parents use cell phones to keep track of their kids. Disable the keypad with the exception of a 911 button.

    Also, once this happens then other things will happen as well, ones that might affect something that you like to do and not necessarily while driving. Drink sizes, straws, Styrofoam, self-protection. I know that this is a very broad and rather complex issue that can be argued on many fronts bu itt all starts somewhere.

    Just my two cents.

    January 10, 2020 at 11:33 AM

    Not only are you wrong, but you are dumb as Hell!

    "...and many parents use cell phones to keep track of their kids."
    What kind of cell phone did your parents use to keep track of you?

  17. Anonymous said...
    The dangerous and life threatening use is when driving. This is by people of all ages though more frequent in younger people. $80 fines aren’t working. Make it $500-$1000 for first offense. Loss of license for 2nd. I want my child to have one in this crazy world. I don’t think they are going to start reinstalling pay phones around the country for them to use

    January 10, 2020 at 11:43 AM

    Just get rid of smartphones and texting altogether. Make the parents responsible for what happens.

    As far as 18 to 21 make it mandatory that they serve in the U.S. Military until 21 and the military bans cell phones at that point.

  18. Anonymous said...
    I agree with this completely!

    The mental damage being done to these kids that can't keep their noses out of their phone is immeasurable.

    January 10, 2020 at 12:00 PM

    Not only that, look at all the sexting and invitations for sex that has been created with smartphones.

    Look at all the drug sales and sex involving students and teachers because of cell phones. Just think, Liz Day got caught because of using a cellphone for Adderal for BJ's of teens! I rest my case!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Has WRONGFULLY been passed out as a TOY since it came to be !!!!

    January 11, 2020 at 2:42 PM

    Parents have been satisfied that this toy phone has occupied their kids all this time so they don't have to. Wrong reasons!

  20. That's WHY Your Cable slows down because TOOOO
    many are Playing on it , as a TOY !!!

    NO Wonder when millions of kids are on it 24/7 !!!!!


  21. I agree with this completely!

    The mental damage being done to these kids that can't keep their noses out of their phone is immeasurable.

    January 10, 2020 at 12:00 PM

    Not only that, look at all the sexting and invitations for sex that has been created with smartphones.

    Look at all the drug sales and sex involving students and teachers because of cell phones. Just think, Liz Day got caught because of using a cellphone for Adderal for BJ's of teens! I rest my case!

    January 11, 2020 at 3:39 PM\

    Liz Day!! Bingo!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    12:00 PM here is a thought, ACTUALLY BE A GOOD PARENT!!!! DON'T GIVE YOUR KID A TABLET OR PHONE you moron!!!!! NO lets pass a law that will put anyone and everyone in jail for nonsense becasue you and the rest of the parents in society are to fucking stupid NOT TO GIVE A KID A TABLET OR PHONE... Always trying to buy your kids love... Then want to blame others for crap you have control of...

    January 10, 2020 at 12:58 PM

    Parents should be put in jail for allowing their kids on the internet via phone, tablet, or laptop 24 hours a day.

    Quit being an idiot you dumb Moron. Bring on the new laws!

  23. Has nothing to do with this and everything to do with removing cameras from most when the war pops off.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Has WRONGFULLY been passed out as a TOY since it came to be !!!!

    January 11, 2020 at 2:42 PM

    Parents have been satisfied that this toy phone has occupied their kids all this time so they don't have to. Wrong reasons!

    January 11, 2020 at 3:41 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That's WHY Your Cable slows down because TOOOO
    many are Playing on it , as a TOY !!!

    NO Wonder when millions of kids are on it 24/7 !!!!!

    January 11, 2020 at 4:04 PM

    You really want it classified as a TOY don't ya? lmao. Passive-aggressive much? lol geesh.

    1. They play more games on it than anything so yea it’s basically a toy

  25. People who are 20 years of age and younger have been identified by Tobacco Laws, Alcohol Laws, and now cell phone laws.

    How about the US Military stop using children as soldiers?
    How about that?

  26. 11:35

    I agree. They should draft you!

  27. DRaft age should be 21 !!!! & should have been ALONG time ago !!! 21 should be the Magic # for Drinking / Draft /
    Renting a car / > common sense !!!

    Using kids for WAR does need to stop / should be ILLEGAL !!!!

  28. Alot needs to be done but Democrats get Nothing done !!!!

  29. It’s about keeping kids uninformed

  30. This is not about BIG BROTHER guys. He did it to start a conversation. He knows it won't get passed. (He probably doesn't want it to get passed.) Discussion of the fact that cell phones are damaging to the growth of the young mind is the subject of the conversation. I wouldn't mind a campaign done by the gov telling the public. BUT, the lobbyist for these companies will just bribe everyone.

  31. Take Phones from the Wives & other Grown up girls too !! LOL

  32. No SEX until 21 !!! Boy that would be Hard to Enforce LOL

  33. It's amazing to read some of the people's comments that think they actually live in a free society. You are a slave to your so called freedom until the day you die

  34. The Govt LOVES all these devices , so they can spie & monitor
    you all time & CONTROL the world !!!

    No co-incidence that ALL this was Released to the public, when
    it was Only made at first to Win WW2 !!!

    Everything one does on it is Recorded & Will hang up anyone
    doing anything wrong on it !! NSA / CIA have Full Access !!!


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