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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

US Defense Secretary Esper says NO decision made to leave Iraq

The U.S. has made no decision about withdrawing troops from Iraq, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Monday in response to a letter from a senior military officer that appeared to suggest a withdrawal was underway.

Esper told reporters Monday that the U.S. is not pulling troops out of Iraq.

He said he didn’t know anything about a letter that appears to suggest some preparation of troops to move out of Iraq. But he said there has been some repositioning of U.S. forces.

“There’s been no decision whatsoever to leave Iraq,” he said, adding, “There’s no decision to leave, nor did we issue any plans to leave or prepare to leave.” He said the U.S. remains committed to the campaign to defeat the Islamic State group in Iraq and the region.



  1. This "leaking" by the Democrats has got to stop. The only way is life in prison if caught.

  2. Nothing has changed since I was getting it done. The brass has no clue what they are doing and only want a ribbon and pay bumps.

  3. Leave the enemy to it's own demise !!! Done with them !!!!


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