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Saturday, January 25, 2020

US bio-safety experts warned in 2017 that a virus could 'escape' Chinese research lab

Scientists warned in 2017 that a SARS-like virus could escape a lab set up that year in Wuhan, China, to study some of the most dangerous pathogens in the world.

Now, a SARS-like coronavirus has infected more than 800 there, spread to at least 10 other countries and killed 25 in Wuhan and nearby provinces.

China installed the first of a planned five to seven bio-labs designed for maximum safety in Wuhan in 2017, for the purpose of studying the most high-risk pathogens, including the Ebola and the SARS viruses.

Tim Trevan, a Maryland bio-safety consultant, told Nature that year, when the lab was on the cusp of opening, that he worried that China's culture could make the institute unsafe because 'structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important.'

In fact, the SARS virus had 'escaped' multiple times from a lab in Beijing, according to the Nature article.

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  1. God help us if a virulent pathogen escapes from any country, including our own.

  2. this is going to be bad,worse than sars, i only have 1 question does the coronavirus come with complimentary limes or do have to provide them for ourselves?


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