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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right: You CANNOT euthanize your way out of this problem.

Well I certainly got everyone's attention yesterday about the cat issue that's going on within the city of Salisbury. You have the equivalent of an uneducated animal control staff that is trapping cats that have already been neutered and vaccinated and are being trapped because a property owner or tenant doesn't want the cat trespassing on their property. You now as a city resident have to control the movement of your outside cat which any kindergartner knows isn't possible, practical, or probable in the cat world.

So now these under-educated dog catchers are appeasing one individual temporarily, while unwittingly creating a vacuum for another unvaccinated, non-neutered cat to takes its place.

Just like euthanizing the goose problem didn't go away or scare the new geese away that are now free to populate the void that was left after wasting tax dollars to kill 400 geese. No one told the new geese about their predecessors, so the geese keep coming to the city to set up their new home.

Exactly what happens when you remove feral cats. You CANNOT euthanize your way out of this problem.

What needs to happen is these groups: animal control officers, the Humane Society, and any organization that is helping these local cats need to get together and work out a sensible plan of action.

Perhaps animal control can educate the folks that seem to have no tolerance for an abandoned animal that never asked to be in the middle of this mess.

And maybe the Humane Society can refuse to allow any TNR cat to be brought into the shelter simply because it's an inconvenience for someone else. And if an individual purposely traps a cat in foul weather and makes them sick they should be charged with animal cruelty. And lastly the folks who tirelessly provide this TNR service to an adjoining county should be praised and thanked for their unconditional work. They don't get any funding for what they do. They aren't paid a salary, and they constantly reach into their own pockets  to clean up the mess that irresponsible adults make with a pet they choose to own. Only abandon them and create the problem in the first place.

Anyone who complains about this should be sending in donations to groups like Community Cat Coalition that can't even afford to pay for the repairs needed to their dilapidated van. After all, without their help the feral cat problem you have now just might end up exploding into thousands of cats. Open your eyes and wallets and thank the people who are unconditionally cleaning up your mess!


  1. Sounds reasonable.

  2. You're exactly correct about creating a vacuum when mass euthanization occurs. If you remove an animal from free resources something is going to move in to exploit those resources. Which brings me to my next point STOP FEEDING WILDLIFE. You are doing more harm than good allowing feral cats and even raccoons etc. to become used to human contact via food. You are contributing to the spread of zoonotic disease.

    What they need is herd immunity. If they can somehow create a program that can get the majority of these cats vaccinated against even rabies it will make an immense difference.

    1. We do herd immunity. We fix every cat at at a site, vaccinate them against rabies and return them to their site where they provide a firewall against rabies. Feral cats carry no different diseases than your own pet cat. There are only five diseases that you can catch from a cat: rabies,sepsis ringworm,toxoplasmeia, and Cat Scratch Fever. Except for the rabies you can catch any of the other ones from your own pet cat if you're bit or scratched.

  3. They could but Jake Day spent all the cities resources on frivolous waste

  4. Typical, instead of contributing anything at all you seize an opportunity to bash a democrat. This is why nothing gets done 9:29.

    1. But they're so fun to bash, because these new age democrats are soooo stupid.

  5. @9:34 it's merely FACT!!

  6. Also along this subject is the proper care of your dogs waste. The individuals that walk their pets on public walk ways and make no attempt to pickup after they do their business. Example is the sidewalks that runs from the Royal Farms on Dykes down to Robins road. The huge piles of S##T the pets leave is unreal, unsanitary and a health hazard. The City of Salisbury does have a ordinance, Title 6, that your pets fecal matter, is your responsibility to pick up. So people, PICK UP AFTER YOUR PETS.

  7. I have called the Wicomico County Humane Society and visited looking for our cat Inky was told by neighbors they had seen him in a wire cage when I asked them if they could have caught him they said they had no cages out in our area, so we visited and provided a picture. I pray ours was not one that got euthanized as he was a pet not a feral cat, and we have pursued every Vet, cat shelter, Humane Society and Pet Shop in this area since 11/11/19!

    1. There are other trappers who are being paid to remove cats from properties! They aren't being taken to these places. The ignorant trappers are taking them away and dumping them at other locations or sadly killing them. Strawberry Village is one of those communities who pay trappers $100 per cat to rid of them!! I'm pretty sure the trapper has many other customers

  8. 9:34 , 9:29 did contribute ideas. Stop wasting money on frivolous crap like bike Lanes in the industrial area that nobody uses. Seems to me that you are the one making a worthless comment seizing an opportunity to bash someone that doesn't think like you. Typical leftist thinking.

  9. I know most of the employees at the humane shelter and with the exception of the director(Kim Noch), all employees are dedicated and tops in their field. Blaming the employees is just plain wrong. How did the idiot Kim Koch get her job? She has NO experience in this field, no personality, no management skills and is all B.S. So put the onus of disgrace on her.

  10. 8:49 - The biggest problem is not the ones feeding these feral cats, it is the ones that is dumping them off in neighborhoods, woods on side of road instead of having their cats fixed. My son fed feral hungry cats for years and even named them, provided them shelter outside. When one came hurt he took that cat to the vet and had him fixed and cared for. He then brought him to my house for recuperation. He now has been at my house (inside) for 5 years and is one of the most loving cats I have ever seen. They should not kill them at the shelter and I do not know why they are still a Kill Shelter anyway!!!

  11. I put out bird seed in the cold weather months. I do not claim that the birds are my "pets" because an animal that roams where it pleases and stops by your place for left out food isn't a pet it's just an animal your feeding. If I'm wrong about that I should be the one on here crying loudest for all my "pet" birds that your "pet" cats killed.

  12. 10:53 our cat Inky is still living and is age 11 sorry it's our cat Boots that is missing so sorry. lease forgive the mistake.

  13. Susan Coleman is a god sent for the cats. This lady has spent thousands of hours and tons of her own money to help cats.She is truly a animal loving angel walking the face of the earth.

    Joe , Your wife Jennifer is the same. A true animal loving angel.


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