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Friday, January 31, 2020

Tulsi: CNN Gave No Explanation for Excluding Me from Upcoming Town Hall

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on Tuesday said she has received “no explanation” from CNN as to why she was excluded from the network’s upcoming town halls taking place ahead of New Hampshire’s February 11 primary.

The presidential hopeful told Fox News she has yet to receive a response explaining why she was excluded from the network’s upcoming town hall in New Hampshire, which is slated to take place at Saint Anselm College on February 5 and 6.

“We have reached out, I think, more than once, and we received no explanation,” Gabbard said.

“I don’t even think we’ve gotten a response to date about why they’re excluding the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, the only woman of color in the race,” she continued.

“We’re still waiting for an answer."



  1. Aw cry her a river who cares?

  2. Because politics is a scam. Everything is already set-up!

  3. She doesn't fit in the back pocket of the libs.

  4. If you haven't figured that out by now you are way behind. Try to catch up!


  5. For a democrat, Tulsi is really OK. She's got a lot more sense, guts and wisdom than ANY of the other dem candidates, and it is even conceivable to me that she would make a good VP choice, even for somebody like Mr. Trump.

    Of course, with a lawsuit pending against the Hildabeast, I'm sure she's feeling suicidal (or will be soon.)

    At least Maj. Gabbard has given me hope that not all democrats are mental cases.

  6. Uh, because the Clintons made a phone call Tulsi. Duh. No one wants to die of Clintoncide.

  7. Yea I mean she is a smart girl. You know exactly why. Until you drop your suit against Hillary you won't be invited to anything CNN does or holds.

    You also may want to watch out for suicide, people who cross the Clinton's tend to catch that.

  8. She has figured out that it is a scam - just alerting America what Fake CNN is up to now. Also, maybe Hillary waved her magic wand (or better yet her witches brew) to ignore Gabbard because she filed a lawsuit against her. We ALL know how much CNN loves Hillary😂

  9. Rage against the machine Tulsi. Call them out. The DNC is as crooked as they come (freezing out Bernie,giving debate questions to Hillary,etc....). Enemy of all free thinking citizens.

  10. Because she's too centrist and would probably win. She scares the liberal left. She seems to be the only democrat i wouldn't mind voting for, since she's the only one making any sense and SHE'S A PATRIOT. I'd love to buy her a beer!

  11. She would have a better chance of beating Trump than anyone on that stage but they won't allow anyone in that they don't own.


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