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Thursday, January 09, 2020

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t the Problem; Obama’s Was

President Donald Trump launched a global round of teeth gnashing when he ordered the killing of the greatest terrorist leader in the modern Middle East, Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani.

Suleimani was unquestionably responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in Iraq and thousands of others throughout the Middle East—mostly Muslim. His global terror network ran from South America to Europe to Africa to Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Suleimani was an unparalleled organizer and a pitiless murderer. His death was richly earned.

But for many in the media and on the domestic and international left, Trump’s action was precipitously “provocative.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Suleimani ‘s killing—which came directly after a Suleimani-approved terror assault on America’s embassy in Baghdad and amidst reported further plans for escalated terror against American targets–“disproportionate.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., suggested that Trump, not the Iranians, had “escalated” the situation. Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Trump had “just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.”

This reaction has been magnified by the media, many of whom have been speculating about the possibility of all-out war between the United States and Iran.



  1. Amen we knew that by Obamas 2nd term he was a dud---worst president ever!!!!

  2. Yep , Obama signed a treaty and had peace with Iran, along with Iran weapons inspection , Trump blew up the treaty and now Iran is building nuclear weapon. Right!!!

    Its election time ,..what did you expect Trump to do

    1. 9:27 Iran has never followed any inspections and you know it. And those nuclear weapons are courtesy of Obama and his pallets of cash.

  3. How many times did Iran directly attack the US under Obama's two terms? I'll wait.

  4. Another MSM story which supports the idea that a war must be waged, people must be murdered.

  5. Here Trump is cleaning up Obama's BS, once again. Keep up the good work President Trump.

  6. No war with Iran is coming, only posturing.

  7. Trump didn't need a Iranian strike to be re-elected. When are you going to keep the faith. He is pro- American and is willing to fight for us , - thank God.

  8. 9:35

    How many times did Iran or their proxies like hezbola attach "western interests" ?

    It NEVER stopped. And the treaty signed by Kerry and the Iranians was almost immediately broken by the Iranians.

    Get your head out of your posterior.

  9. 935 by your logic, Chamberlain had peace and Churchill was the warmonger. Appeasement of radicals is not peace.


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