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Monday, January 27, 2020

Trump questions why NPR exists

President Trump questioned why NPR exists following his secretary of State’s reportedly heated clash with one of the media organization's reporters.

The president on Sunday re-tweeted conservative radio host Mark Levin’s tweet that asked, “Why does NPR still exist?”

“A very good question!” Trump posted with Levin’s tweet.

A very good question! https://t.co/8z6uQLKz8M
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2020

Levin inquired about the publicly funded but privately owned national radio station, saying there are “thousands” of radio stations in the country and satellite radio.

“Why are we paying for this big-government, Democrat Party propaganda operation,” Levin wrote.



  1. Pull my tax dollars. I don't listen to their drivel.

  2. Both NPR and Public TV need to be defunded. They are an anachronism.

  3. Nazi public radio. The Leftards FOX news

  4. Joe- go look at Delmarva Public Radio's website- it looks like they are moving from one tower to another...who is paying for this? The listeners? Salisbury University? or is it us tax payers? Remember when they got a massive amount of money from the state? Didn't that fix their problems? Typical liberals always want more more more....

  5. The reason NPR exists to protect independent journalism. It's a basic as that. They are funded by the government, and by donations from their listeners. They are not pressured for a perspective or an agenda.

    They are not beholden to the whims of any corporate interests, nor are they beholden to advertisers. Being free of influence allows NPR to be as unbiased as any organization can be.

    Just because someone doesn't like the reporting, just because it's not tailored to their narrative, it does not invalidate the legitimate journalism.

    In today's media, let me correct that: News entertainment cycle, we need NPR more than ever.

    I wonder, how many people have actually listened to NPR, or are they just parroting what their News entertainment source has told them? Or what their political leaders have told them?

    American's should be very bothered when the government attacks the media. Independent unbiased news sources are one of the checks on the government. When they are being demonized, we need to wonder what our leaders are up to.

    1. 12:30 ..I do force myself to listen, just to stay informed about the leftist ideals, SO i totally diagree with you and agree with 1:30,3:12,4:00 and 4:05.
      You must be one of those Historical dimwits.

  6. I would understand if NPR was a mouthpiece for national propaganda, but as nothing but a mouthpiece for a political party's propaganda, it is totally inappropriate to use taxpayer's dollars to fund the operation. Totally!

  7. "They are not beholden to the whims of any corporate interests, nor are they beholden to advertisers. Being free of influence allows NPR to be as unbiased as any organization can be. "

    So if funding comes from a big, bad capitalist company, that is somehow suspect- but it comes from the sinless, wonderful government- that is okay? NPR is the voice of the deep state, period.

    But again, the problem is this- if they are so beloved by "the people", then let the people fund them in their entirety- if you libs can scrape together enough cash to keep it on the air, great. If not, then let it die.

  8. January 28, 2020 at 12:03 PM:

    Tell me again why NPR never shows anything but one political perspective. Oh that's right, you didn't say that. If only one political perspective is in all of the "reporting," then the service is political, and not independent journalism. If you were a Republican you could see the truth you deny. But your lock step devotion to anything Democrat clouds your vision of reality. You don't fool any intelligent people with your comment.

  9. "NPR is the voice of the deep state, period."

    January 28, 2020 at 3:12 PM

    That says it all! Well put. There's nothing "public" about National Public Radio.

  10. I will keep saying this over and over again- I love classical music and I'll bet there are many people who would enjoy listening to it. I would donate generously to WSCL if they would just drop that biased NPR news, but they won't. Wonder how many others there are out there like me.


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