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Thursday, January 09, 2020

The End Of College Is Near

I predict that 20% of colleges and universities will shut down or merge in the next 10 years, and probably more.

It was a good run.

Most people fail to understand that higher education is in itself countercyclical. When the economy is bad, and people lose jobs, many of them will go back to school.

You have probably heard about the for-profit education boom and bust. That is old news. You might not have heard that total enrollment has been declining for the last eight years as the economy has improved.

What comes next will pulverize nearly every institution of higher learning in the country, private and public.

The reason: demographics. Basically, an echo of the baby bust of the early seventies.



  1. Is Salisbury, Wicomico County, Delmarva ready for this? I sure doubt it...NO forward thinkers here.

  2. Don't bet on it. It would be a good thing if the for profit colleges that are predatory in nature such as Trump University shut down. Those are scams anyway. Legitimate and accredited colleges and universities are never going away nor should they.

  3. Not buying it. Colleges like the University of Maryland only accept a percentage of applicants per year. Maryland acceptance rate happens to be 45% therefore 55% of the applicants are denied and have to look elsewhere. There are very few colleges that don’t have a significant surplus of applicants that don’t get in. Private colleges like Notre Dame and Boston College have even fewer students accepted so those students look to get into other schools. Check out the niche sights to see what a particular college acceptance rates are.
    Even Salisbury University turns away a significant amount of applicants. Google search “Salisbury University Niche” to see for yourself.

  4. " Legitimate and accredited colleges and universities are never going away nor should they."

    WRONG! First off, a huge demographic crunch is coming- millennial are not having children fast enough. Second, as soon as someone figures out accreditation, universities will be replaced by online learning. Hell, you can already listen or watch complete university courses by the likes of thinkers like Jordan Peterson.

    Finally, people are waking up to the fact that universities are nothing more than third rate indoctrination camps. I, for one, look forward to their much deserved death.

  5. Also- about 25 years ago, UMD accepted 75% of the 14,000 applicants. Now, only about 45% of 30,000 applicants get in. The number continue to increase, not decrease.

  6. Man Bun @ Salisbury University who support DayJanuary 9, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    I hope my College does not close

    so many cute guys here

  7. The first commenter has it right, although I go to the extreme of saying NO forward thinkers. There are probably one or two around here.

  8. in a liberal state like maryland the state funded colleges and universities will be here for a very long time, lol i`m sure that the employees aren`t worried about their jobs or their state funded golden severance packages.

  9. A lot of people are going to stop going to college because they don't want to graduate with all that student debt and use most of their income to pay it off.


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